124 Plaques in Postcode: EC3

Cornhill and Saint Michael's Alley, London EC3V 3QQSt Michaels War Memorial(World War History)(Photos Taken: 18-Feb-2020)Link

in Gracechurch Street, 59-60 Cornhill, London EC3V 3PDCornhill Standard Conduit(Science and Engineering)(Photos Taken: 18-Feb-2020)Link

1 Bell Inn Yard, London EC3V 0BLCrosskeys Inn(Pub)(Photos Taken: 15-Oct-2020)Link

All Hallows, Byward Street, Tower, London EC3R 5BJMalta Siege(World War History)(Photos Taken: 22-Oct-2020)Link
Plaque Wording: {top left} In 1940 the sinister shadow of Fascism spilled across Europe and into North Africa. Malta, under the protection of Great Britain, found herself alone in a hostile Mediterranean 800 miles from her nearest allies in Gibraltar and Alexandria. Besieged by enemies Malta became a fulcrum on which the fate of the war balanced for the next three years. If Malta fell the rest of North Africa would follow, opening the door to the oil fields of the Middle East and for the Axis Powers to join in Asia and threaten India. The allies knew this. So did the Axis Powers. Malta, besieged, became and remains the most bombed place in the history of War.
Supplied only by Sea, at great cost, Malta was defended not only by her own people but by forces drawn from the whole free world. Fighter aircraft delivered by the American and Royal Navies were piloted by Britons, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders. Convoys crewed by British, American and Commonwealth seamen were supported by the free forces of Greece, the Netherlands, and Poland. Free Norwegians added their merchant fleet to the Allied cause. In April 1942 King George VI awarded to the People of Malta the George Cross, the highest decoration for civilian courage and heroism.
By summer 1942 only weeks of food remained and the Allies mounted operation Pedestal as a last attempt to save Malta. After a five-day running battle the Convoy's four remaining merchant vessels and the immortal Tanker Ohio, all that was left of the fourteen that set out, entered Grand Harbour. The date was 15th August, 1942, the feast of Santa Maria. The siege was broken; within months North Africa was retaken and the first steps of European liberation begun.
This stone taken from Malta, was presented by the Maltese Government on the 60th Anniversary of the end of Second World War to commemorate all who participated in the siege and defence of Malta, 1940-43.
Placed by the George Cross Island Association, 15th August 2005.

All Hallows, Byward Street, Tower, London EC3R 5BJ William Penn(Religious)(Photos Taken: 22-Oct-2020)Link

Tower Hill Terrace, London EC3N 4EE Follett Holt(Entrepreneur)(Photos Taken: 22-Oct-2020)Link
Plaque Wording: In memory of Sir Follett Holt, KBE, First Chairman of the Tower Hill Improvement Trust, died 20th March 1944.

Tower Hill Terrace, London EC3N 4EE Donald Soper(Religious)(Photos Taken: 22-Oct-2020)Link

60 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9EASt Edmund King and Martyr Freehold(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 22-Oct-2020)Link

Tower Hill Garden, Tower of London, London EC3N 1JYLondon Wall(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 07-Mar-2021)Link

Tower Hill Garden, Tower of London, London EC3N 1JYTower Hill Medieval Postern(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 07-Mar-2021)Link

near 88 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BYAldgate Pump(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 18-Mar-2021)Link
Plaque Wording: The Aldgate Pump A well for fresh drinking water has been on this site since the 13th century. The Aldgate Pump has long been a landmark point for visitors to east London, mentioned by Charles Dickens and in traditional rhyme and song. In 1876 the pump's water was connected to the mains water supply after the old well was found to be contaminated. The current Portland stone obelisk dates from the 18th century. The brass wolf's head spout is 19th century. The lantern on top is a handmade replica of the original lost around 1900. Repaired and restored in 2019 by the City of London with the assistance of the Heritage of London Trust and a gift from Miss Anthea Gray.

Royal Exchange, Cornhill, London EC3V 3LRLondon Troops War Memorial(World War History)(Photos Taken: 22-Mar-2021)Link

Four Seasons Hotel, Seething Lane, London EC3N 4AT Samuel Pepys(Author)(Photos Taken: 18-May-2022)Link

Trinity Square Gardens, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DJTower Hill Scaffold(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 18-May-2022)Link

Trinity Square Gardens, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DJMerchant Navy War Memorial(World War History)(Photos Taken: 18-May-2022)Link

Trinity Square Gardens, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DJ Col G J Stephens (Ye Old Musketeers)(Armed Forces)(Photos Taken: 18-May-2022)Link

I have no information about Col G J Stephens (Ye Old Musketeers). Please contact me if you do.

Trinity Square Gardens, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DJTower Hill Memorial(World War History)(Photos Taken: 18-May-2022)Link

Trinity Square Gardens, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DJFalkland Islands War Memorial(World War History)(Photos Taken: 18-May-2022)Link

Bevis Marks Synagogue, Bevis Marks, London EC3A 5DQBevis Marks War Memorial(World War History)(Photos Taken: 10-Nov-2022)Link

5-6 Royal Exchange, London EC3V 3LT Vezey Strong(Civic Officer)(Photos Taken: 04-Jan-2023)Link

Aldgate Square, Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1AFLondon Wall(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 24-Jan-2023)Link

St Dunstan's Hill, London EC3R 5DDWorshipful Company of Basketmakers (Trade Group) Geoffrey Rowley (Misc)(Photos Taken: 03-May-2023)Link

I have no information about Geoffrey Rowley. Please contact me if you do.

Saint Botolph Without Aldgate, Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1AB Thomas Darcy(Nobleman)(Photos Taken: 24-May-2023)Link
Plaque Wording: Here Lieth Thomas Lorde Darcy of the Northe and sumtyme of the Order of the Garter, Sir Nicholas Carrew Knight sumtyme of the Garder, and Lady Elizabeth Carrew, daughter to Sir Thomas Brian Knight, and Sir Arthur Darcy Knight Yonger sone to the above named Lorde Darcy, and Lady Mary Darcy his dere wif, daughter to Sir Nicholas Carrew, who had tenne sonnes and five daughters. Here lieth Charles Will[ia]m and Phillip, Mary and Ursully, Sonnes and daughters to the saide Sir Arthur and Mary his wif whose sowlls God take to his infinit mercy, Amen.

48 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0EJNational Provident Institution(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 10-Apr-2024)Link

Corbet Court, Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 9DUThe Mercers' Maiden (Historical London)Worshipful Company of Mercers (Trade Group)(Photos Taken: 12-Apr-2024)Link
Plaque Wording: The Mercer's Maiden is the symbol and coat of arms of the Mercers' Company and adorns the exterior walls of buildings on sites belonging to the Company.
The above stone is the earliest surviving Maiden property mark dating from 1669. It was reinstated on this site during redevelopment works by USS Ltd, completed in 2004.

22 Birchin Lane, London EC3V 9DJ Captain Ralph Douglas Binney(Emergency Services)(Photos Taken: 06-May-2015)Link

Leadenhall Market, London EC3V 1LTLeadenhall Market(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 06-May-2015)Link

43 Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DJ Viscount Wakefield(Philanthropist)(Photos Taken: 06-May-2015)Link

Friary Court, 65 Crutched Friars, London EC3N 2NDCrutched Friars(Religious Group)(Photos Taken: 25-Jun-2015)Link

15 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9AHLloyds Coffee House(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 25-Jun-2015)Link

32 Lombard St London EC3V 9BQ Alexander Pope(Poet)(Photos Taken: 25-Jun-2015)Link

16 Creechurch Lane, London EC3 A 5AY Site of First Synagogue(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 25-Jun-2015)Link

Trinity House, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DHTrinity House(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 25-Jun-2015)Link

72 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9AY Gregory de Rokesley(Entrepreneur)(Photos Taken: 30-Jun-2015)Link

The Royal Exchange, London EC3V 3DG J R Greathead(Engineer)(Photos Taken: 09-Apr-2016)Link

30 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3BDSt Gabriel Fenchurch Site(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 09-Apr-2016)Link

140 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4QTNortraship(World War History)(Photos Taken: 20-May-2016)Link
Plaque Wording: Nortraship
From 1940 to 1945 this building housed NORTRASHIP - The Norwegian Shipping and Trade Mission - established by the Norwegian Government in exile and Norwegian shipowners. NORTRASHIP operated the Norwegian merchant fleet of more than 1000 ships which made a vital contribution to the allied victory in World War II.

Royal Exchange Avenue, London EC3V 3NL Paul Julius Reuter(Entrepreneur)(Photos Taken: 03-Jun-2016)Link

Royal Exchange Avenue, London EC3V 3NL George Peabody(Philanthropist)(Photos Taken: 03-Jun-2016)Link

The Lloyds Building, Lime Street, London William Dockwra(Misc)(Photos Taken: 03-Jun-2016)Link

51 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0EH William Curtis(Scientist)(Photos Taken: 03-Jun-2016)Link

39 Cornhill, London EC3V 3ND Thomas Gray(Poet)(Photos Taken: 26-Jul-2016)Link

Monument Street, London EC3R 6DXSt Margaret Fish Street Hill Site(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 28-Oct-2016)Link

60 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0HRSt Benet Gracechurch Site(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 28-Oct-2016)Link

10 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BFSt Mary Axe Church Site(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 21-Nov-2016)Link

88 Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1LHAldgate Site(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 21-Nov-2016)Link

St Katherines Row, London EC3M 4PBSt Katherine Coleman Site(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 21-Nov-2016)Link

23 Lime Street, London EC3M 7HBSt Dionis Backchurch Site(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 21-Nov-2016)Link

near 8 Change Alley, London EC3V 9AZBakers Chop House Site(Pub)(Photos Taken: 29-Jun-2017)Link

near 8 Change Alley, London EC3V 9AZGarraways Coffee House(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 29-Jun-2017)Link

1 Creechurch Lane, City of London EC3A 5AYGreat Synagogue Dukes Place(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 02-Oct-2018)Link

opposite 32 Cornhill, London EC3V 3SGCornhill Water Pump(Historical London)(Photos Taken: 27-Dec-2019)Link

9 Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1AH Phyllis Wheatley(Poet)(Photos Taken: 30-Dec-2019)Link

St Olave Parish Hall, Mark Lane, Tower Hill, London EC3R 7LQSt Olave Parish Hall(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 30-Dec-2019)Link
Plaque Wording: The Parish Hall of St Olave Hart Street This Hall which stands in part on the site of the former Church of Allhallows Staining was built in 1957 by the Clothworkers Company for the benefit of the united Parish of St Olave Hart Street with Allhallows Staining and St Catherine Coleman.

Devonshire Square and Cutler Street, London EC3A 7BRHoundsditch Police Murders(Crime and Terrorism)(Photos Taken: 18-Feb-2020)Link

2 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1AESt Leonard Eastcheap(Churches etc)(Photos Taken: 18-Feb-2020)Link

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