Plaque Wording:
{top plaque} The parish of Clerkenwell extends 27 feet westward.
Thos Haynes Parker
Wm Croft Fish
Churchwardens, 1845.
{{bottom plaque} St. M. I.
James Wagstaff
John Savage
John Shadgett
Churchwardens, 1855
Plaque Wording:
The Parish Hall of St Olave Hart Street This Hall which stands in part on the site of the former Church of Allhallows Staining was built in 1957 by the Clothworkers Company for the benefit of the united Parish of St Olave Hart Street with Allhallows Staining and St Catherine Coleman.
Plaque Wording:
A.M.D.G. This church was built in 1819-1822 as the new parish church of the ancient parish of St Pancras under an act of 31 May 1816. The foundation stone was laid on Thursday 1 July 1819 by H.R.H. Frederick Duke of York and Albany (brother of King George IV) and commander-in-chief of the British army, The new church was consecrated on Tuesday 7 May 1822 by the Rt Rev William Howley, Lord Bishop of London....
Plaque Wording:
This church was re-dedicated on Monday 14 December 1955 by the Rt Rev & Rt Hon Dr J.W.C. Wand Lord Bishop of London, after new roofing & extensive restoration. It had been closed as a dangerous structure on 13 May 1951 in view of widespread dry rot.....
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The original statue was erected on this spot in the year 1712 to commemorate the completion of Saint Pauls Cathedral Francis Bird Sculptor
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This statue of Queen Elizabeth formerly stood on the West side of Ludgate, that Gate being taken down in 1760 to open the Street, was given by the city to Sr Francis Gosling KN, Alderman of this Ward, who caused it to be placed here.
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The foundation stone of this church was laid on the 26 February 1910 by Count Herman Wrangel. Swedish Minister to the Court of St James.
Psalm 84-2-6
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Trinity Chapel This stone was laid by Sir Francis Lyccett LP April 20 1871 The first Chapel commenced by the aid of a Fund to promote the erection of fifty Wesleyan Methodist Chapels in London and its suburbs to each of which Sir Francis engaged to give one thousand pounds.
Plaque Wording:
Three poets, in three distant ages born,
Greece, Italy, and England did adorn;
The first in loftiness of thought surpassed,
The next in majesty; in both the last:
The force of nature could no farther go,
To make a third, she joined the other two. John Milton was born in Bread-Street on Friday the 9th day of December 1608 and was baptised in the parish-church of All-Hallows Bread-Street on Tuesday the 20th day of December 1608.
This tablet was placed on the church of All-Hallows, Bread Street early in the nineteenth century, as a memorial of the event therein recorded and was removed in the year 1876 when that church was pulled down and the parish united for ecclesiastical purposes with the parish of St. Mary-le-Bow.
Plaque Wording:
Barking Abbey
Was founded by St Erkenwald in the year 666. Destroyed by the Danes it was rebuilt in the 10th century. William the Conqueror stayed here after his coronation in 1066. It was dissolved in 1539 and demolished within three years. Saint Margarets Church
Founded about 1215 was altered and enlarged in the 15th and 16th centuries. Captain Cook was married here in 1762. Curfew Tower
A gateway to the abbey built in the 14th century and reconstructed in 1460. The 12th century stone head now in the chapel over the gateway was the object of pilgrimage in medieval times.
This stone was set up on 4th December 1960 to mark the fifth centenary of the Curfew Tower.
Plaque Wording:
Barking Abbey
Was founded by St Erkenwald in the year 666. Destroyed by the Danes it was rebuilt in the 10th century. William the Conqueror stayed here after his coronation in 1066. It was dissolved in 1539 and demolished within three years. Saint Margarets Church
Founded about 1215 was altered and enlarged in the 15th and 16th centuries. Captain Cook was married here in 1762. Curfew Tower
A gateway to the abbey built in the 14th century and reconstructed in 1460. The 12th century stone head now in the chapel over the gateway was the object of pilgrimage in medieval times.
This stone was set up on 4th December 1960 to mark the fifth centenary of the Curfew Tower.
Plaque Wording:
Bermondsey Abbey The Cluniac (Benedictine) Priory of St Saviour at Bermondsey occupied ground between Bermondsey Street, Abbey Street and Grange Walk. Founded in 1082 it flourished from the 12th to 15th century. This plaque marks the site of the Abbey Church.
Plaque Wording:
Christ Church, Spitafields. All applications about Marriages, Burials &c. at this church must be made to Mr Root.
Church Street, London E1 W. H. Wright
Plaque Wording:
This church was re-opened January the first 1867 after being closed seven months for entensive alterations and improvements under the direction of a committee of parishioners. The cost nearly £7,000 was defrayed by voluntary subscriptions of which Robert Hanbury Esquire and his partners contributed £3,500. The large clock erected in 1836 was also repaired and illuminated at the expense of Charles Buxton Esquire MP.
John Patteson MA - Rector
Robert Arnold, Benjamin Brookman - Church wardens
Ewan Christian - architect
Plaque Wording:
In case of fire apply for the men of the engine house and ladders at the Station House, No. 1 Church Passage, Spital Square.
William Stone MA - Vicar
Thomas Midwinter, William Hicks Hall - Church Wardens
Plaque Wording:
On Ash Wednesday February 17 1836 this tower was burnt by fire. A peal of twelve bells, a clock with chimes, most of the interior masonry and all the wood work from the ceiling of the parish vestry room upwards were entirely destroyed. By the spontaneous liberality of the parishioners and a few others and by an effective application of their contributions this damage was substantially repaired with a very inconsiderable outlay of the parish funds.
William Stone MA - Rector
William Sykes, Thomas Brushfield - Church Wardens
Plaque Wording:
{upper stone}Before the late
Dreadfull fire anno domini
1666 here stood the parish
Church of St John Baptist
Upon Walbrook
William Wilkinson
James Whitchurch
Churchwardens this present
Year anno domini 1671
{lower stone}
The above stone was new
faced & the letters fresh
cut anno domini 1830
Revd John Gordon MA
Edward Jones
Lewis Williams
Plaque Wording:
Church of St Nicholas the Traveller
Endowment of Splicanin Rake and his wife Elizabeth , built in 1219 renewed twice in 1919, 1990. In sight of Sailors. Servant of God returned 6.XII.1990
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Church of St Thomas Apostle, (formerly St Thomas Martyr) Southwark, S.E.1. Parish church of St Thomas 1136 - 1862, which also served as the chapel of St Thomas's hospital 1215 - 1862, rebuilt in 1703 by Thomas Cartwright & Son (sometime master masons to Christopher Wren).The roof space was used as the hospital's herb garret and from 1822 as its operating theatre. Rediscovered by Raymond Russell in 1956, the herb garret and operating theatre is now a museum supported by the Lord Brock memorial trust.
Plaque Wording:
A hospital for sick poor and lying-in women formed part of the Hebra Guemilut Hassadim established in 5425-1665 and was located on this site in front of the burial ground of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Association the first cemetery acquired by Jews after their re-settlement in this country. In 5507-1747 the hospital was established as a separate institution Beth Holim and is now used as a home for the aged. Re-erected to the glory of god
Plaque Wording:
on left: This wall rebuilt August 1817. John Belworthy Tho. Chancellor Churchwardens on right:This wall again rebuilt, June 1879. Robert H. Pearson Jubal Webb Churchwardens
Plaque Wording:
Plaque Wording:
{top left} To commemorate the completion of the third century of this church 1686-1986 and the fifth anniversary of its rebuilding and rededication 1991-1996. This stone was erected by the friends of St Anne's Church soho on 26th July 1996
{top right}This tablet(?) was erected by the ? board of the parish of St Anne .. completion of the second century of this church which event was celebrated by various? meetings of the inhabitants. Presided over by Thomas Francis Blackwell esq on 26th October 1887
Plaque Wording:
Past and Present
You are standing on holy ground and in front of an important place of prayer. Over 1000 years ago Saint Dunstan dedicated a church on this site to All Saints. It is the mother church of the East End and, with the ancient port of London nearby, became known as the Church of the High Seas. For this reason the red ensign is still flown from the tower, which also houses ten bells of Stepney mentioned in the nursery rhyme 'Oranges and Lemons'. In each generation large numbers from this community have gone out to the four corners of the world and Stepney has become home to many newcomers etc.
These notice boards have been erected in memory of Councillor Ben Holmes, 1916 - 1997, sometime Mayor of Stepney.
Plaque Wording:
Sacred to the memory of the dead interred in the ancient church & churchyard of St John the Baptist upon Walbrook during four centuries.
The formation of the District Railway having necessitated the destruction of the greater part of the churchyard all the human remains contained therein were carefully collected and reinterred in a vault beneath this monument AD 1884.
Plaque Wording:
Sacred to the memory of the dead interred in the ancient church & churchyard of St John the Baptist upon Walbrook during four centuries.
The formation of the District Railway having necessitated the destruction of the greater part of the churchyard all the human remains contained therein were carefully collected and reinterred in a vault beneath this monument AD 1884.
Plaque Wording:
{translated from the Latin}At the public expense.
By the authority of the British Government, in favour of King George II. The tower erected and repaired higher, with proud honour raises the head, Saint Margaret's hall, sacred to God, in the year of the Lord 1888 Most Honoured gentlemen, and for the benefices bestowed on the parishioners Often not without being named without praise, ARTHUR ONSLOW British Government, by his greatest merit, once again SPeaker, the Most Noble ROBERT WALPOLE of the Order of the Garter, First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, a man most unwearied of all in counsels and public works, yet equal to many.
CHARLES WAGER The Golden Knight head of the seven man of the superior officers of the Royal Navy; And to William Baron Sundon of Ardagh in Ireland, in charge of the five men commission of the public treasury.
Plaque Wording:
In memory of Don Frane Bulica, who with patriotic care repaired this Church of Saint Martin from the age of the Croatian people's rulers and in it presented to God his diamond saint mass on the first anniversary of his death 1935
Plaque Wording:
Site of the Church of St Mary Aldermanbury.
First mentioned in 1181, destroyed by the Great Fire in 1666, rebuilt by Wren, destroyed by bombing in 1940, the remaining fabric removed to Westminster College, Fulton Missouri, USA, 1966 and restored as a memorial to Sir Winston Churchill.
This plaque placed by Westminster College