Plaque Wording:
Bishops Wood Almshouses Erected and endowed by Dr Thomas Wood sometime bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Born in the parish of Hackney 1607 and died 1692. The almshouses and chapel were restored by the trustees A.D. 1930.
Plaque Wording:
These grounds, the site of the Foundling Hospital, established in 1739 by Captain Thomas Coram, were offered for sale as housing land in 1926 when owing to changing social conditions the old Hospital was sold and demolished.
After eight years of anxiety to its fate the site was eventually preserved for the use and welfare of the children of Central London by the generosity and vision of Harold Viscount Rothermere, by the efforts of the Foundling Site Appeal Council, by the co-operation of the governors of the Foundling Hospital and of the Education Committee of the London County Council, and by the enthusiasm of many thousands of donors, large and small, who contributed their money or their toil to the saving of these nine acres, henceforth to be known as Coram's Fields.
Plaque Wording:
{left-hand plaque}
This Metropolitan Benefit Societies asylum was founded by John Christopher Bowles in 1829 and successfully raised by his untiring efforts for the good of his brethren.
{right-hand plaque}
In furtherance of the objects of this asylum for the members of all friendly or benefit societies Mary Ann MacKenzie who died in 1861 made a munificent bequest of nearly nine thousand pounds.
Plaque Wording:
{left-hand pillar:}
This Metropolitan Benefit Societies asylum was founded by John Christopher Bowles in 1829 and successfully raised by his untiring efforts for the good of his brethren.
{right-hand pillar:}
In furtherance of the objects of this asylum for the members of all friendly or benefit societies Mary Ann MacKenzie who died in 1861 made a munificent bequest of nearly nine thousand pounds.
Plaque Wording:
This building was opened as the headquarters of the National Institute for the Deaf by his majesty King George VI when HRH the Duke of York on the 11th day of June 1936.
Plaque Wording:
The Church of England Children's Society formerly the Waifs and Strays Society was founded in 1881 by Edward de M Rudolf (1852-1933), when he was superintendent of the Sunday School in this Parish of St Anne, South Lambeth. This tablet was erected in 1966 by the Society in thankful remembrance of the life and work of its founder
Plaque Wording:
This building was erected at the suggestion & unceasing beneficial exertions of George Halfhide Esqr. Anno Domini 1826.
Richard Smike
James Taylor - Churchwardens