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202 Plaque(s) (and 252 names) in Postcode: EC4

Aitken, Max (1st Baron Beaverbrook) (id=7378) Aitken, Max (2nd Baron Beaverbrook) (id=7379) Astor, Gavin (2nd Baron Astor of Hever) (id=7365) Audley, Bernard (id=7388) Automobile Association - Miller, James (id=7346) Barber, Francis - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=7300) Baring, Rowland (Rowley- 3rd Earl of Cromer) (id=7395) Baynards Castle Site (id=1858) Benetfink - Gamages - War Memorial (id=7311) Blackfriars Bridge (id=115) Blackfriars Station - Whitwell, David (id=8181) Blacksmiths Hall Site (id=1859) Bowater, Ian Frank (id=6203) Bradbury-Evans (id=143) Bridewell Palace - Bridewell Royal Hospital - Henry VIII - Edward VI (id=4677) Bright John - Cobden, Richard (id=151) Bryan, Peter (id=7361) C Hoare & Co (id=8481) Charity Scholars St Andrew Holborn (id=7351) Charity Scholars St Brides (id=7431) Church of St John the Baptist upon Walbrook (id=7335) City of London School 
 - Ward, William (id=1856) City of London School - Broadbridge, Thomas - King Edward VIII - Elliston, George (id=7307) City of London School - Carpenter, John - Traill, Alan (id=4674) City of London School - Carpenter, John - Truscott, Francis Wyatt (id=4673) City of London School - Carpenter, John - Truscott, Francis Wyatt (id=7308) Cleary, Fred (id=1588) Coates, John Bernard Maurice (id=7369) Colvin, Ian Duncan - Colvin, Ian Goodhope (id=7358) Congregational Memorial Hall (id=6204) Congregational Memorial Hall (id=6205) Daily Courant (id=280) Davidson, Francis (Baroness Northchurch) (id=7366) de Worde, Wynkyn (id=306) de Worde, Wynkyn (id=7356) Devil Tavern (id=310) Doctors Commons Site (id=1857) Donne, John (id=4672) Douglas-Home, Charles (id=7389) Dragon boundary mark City of London West - Perring, Ralph Edgar (id=4221) Dragon boundary mark City of London West - Queen Victoria (id=4220) Duke of Buckinghams House Site (id=1894) Dunstan Fountain - Duke, James (id=7319) English, David (id=7394) Escott, Duncan Miller (id=7363) Evening Standard War Memorial (id=7406) Faudel-Phillips, George (id=7310) Festival Gardens Fountain (id=4671) Firemens National Memorial - Princess Anne - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=7082) Fleet Street Heritage Sundial (id=7080) Founding of Australia - Phillip, Arthur - King, P Gidley - Johnston, George - HMS Supply (id=8124) Fowler, H W (id=408) Fowler, Robert (id=7309) Freemasons (id=1642) Fry, Elizabeth (id=425) Garvin, J L (id=7079) General Post Office (id=7336) Gomer Berry, James (1st Viscount Kemsley) (id=7352) Griffiths, Dennis (id=7373) Gudenian, Haig (id=7371) Guillaume, Rex (id=7364) Gurney, John (id=7435) Hanseatic League (id=4761) Hardy, Bert (id=7359) Hardy, Bert (press) (id=7393) Harmsworth, Alfred (Lord Northcliffe) (id=7078) Harmsworth, Esmond (2nd Viscount Rothermere) (id=7398) Harmsworth, Geoffrey  (id=7357) Harmsworth, Harold Cecil Aubrey (id=7382) Harmsworth, Mary (Viscountess Rothermere) (id=7399) Harmsworth, Patricia (Viscountess Rothermere) (id=7396) Harmsworth, Robert Leicester (id=7381) Harmsworth, Vere (3rd Viscount Rothermere) (id=7397) Hazell, W Howard (id=7401) Hazlitt, William (id=1590) Hood, Thomas (id=536) Hutt, Allen (id=7360) Institute of Taxation Site (id=564) Iraq Press War Memorial (id=7384) Jameson, Derek (id=7403) Jenks, Maurice (id=7226) Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=589) Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=1592) Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=7057) King Alfred (id=1765) King Edward VII - Homer - Temple Bar (id=7316) King George V (id=7102) King, Cecil Harmsworth (id=7391) Kings Wardrobe Site (id=1863) Labour Party (id=6206) Lamb, Charles (id=622) Laurence Pountney Church Site and Corpus Christi College Site (id=1874) Lawson, Edward (4th Baron Burnham) (id=7386) LBC - IRN (id=7968) Lettsom, John (id=1591) Levy-Lawson, Edward (1st Baron Burnham) - The Institute of Journalists (id=7984) Linacre, Thomas (id=1589) Littlejohns, G Michael (id=7392) London Bridge (id=2253) London Bridge (id=2254) London Bridge Staircase - Lord Mountevans (id=8175) London Salvage Corps (id=8123) London Stock Exchange War Memorial (id=6215) Ludgate Site (id=1861) McCarthy, John - Anderson, Terry (id=7385) McDonald, Jamie (id=7375) Milton, John (id=751) Mitre Tavern (id=755) Mocatta, Frederick David (id=7083) More, Thomas - Bacon, Viscount Francis - Shakespeare, William - Milton, John - Newton, Isaac (id=4676) Morris,Marcus - The Eagle (id=7387) Muggeridge, Malcolm (id=7400) National Submarine War Memorial (id=7101) Nichols, Mary Ann Polly (id=7433) OConnor, T P (id=809) Obradovich, Dositey (id=808) Old Change (id=4670) Olsen, Thomas (id=7370) Papin, Denis (id=7432) Parochial Schools St Dunstan-in-the-West (id=7320) Parsonage Of St Nicholas Acons Site (id=1880) Pepys, Samuel (id=1853) Phillip, Arthur (id=2921) Pickering, Edward (id=7390) Potter Family (id=7301) Prince Albert Victor (Duke of Clarence) - Temple Bar (id=7315) Priory Of The Blackfriars Site (id=1862) Professional Photographers Association (id=1644) Queen Anne - Hanson, Reginald (id=7326) Queen Anne - St Pauls Cathedral - Bird, Francis (id=7325) Queen Elizabeth I - St. Dunstan-in-the-West - Gosling, Francis (id=7321) Queen Victoria (id=4669) Queen VIctoria - Chaucer, Geoffrey - Temple Bar (id=7318) Queenhithe Mosaic - Yarrow, Alan (id=7097) Redpath, William (id=7407) Reynolds, Gordon (id=7362) Richards, Anne - Richards, Frederick (id=4668) Robbins, Alfred (id=7402) Robbins, Edmund (id=7404) Rose, Steve (id=7372) Royal College of Physicians Site (id=953) Salisbury Court Playhouse Site (id=1855) Samaritans - Varah, Chad (id=4767) Samuel, Marcus (id=6202) Shakespeare, William (id=1864) Sion College (id=4675) Siting of Sydney - White, John - Phillip, Arthur -  Johnston, George - Hunter, John - Collins, David (id=8125) Smith, Mary Harris (id=6946) Souder, Holt (id=7354) St Andrew by the Wardrobe - Fletcher, Banister (id=8182) St Antholin (id=5883) St Benet Sherehog Chuch Site (id=1042) St Bride Foundation Institute (id=7323) St Bride Foundation Institute -  King Edward VIII (id=7322) St Brides Church rededication - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Henry Campbell Lord Bishop of London - Allen, Walter Godfrey - Wren, Christopher (id=7355) St Brides War Memorial (id=7405) St John The Baptist Upon Walbrook (id=5662) St John The Baptist Upon Walbrook Site (id=1873) St John The Evangelist Church Site (id=1043) St Lawrence and Mary Magdalene Drinking Fountain (id=5882) St Martin Orgar Site (id=1875) St Martin within Ludgate (id=8425) St Mary Bothaw Site (id=1872) St Mary Woolchurch Haw (id=1045) St Mildreds Church Site (id=1046) St Pauls Cross (id=4667) St Pauls School 
 (Dean Colet) (id=1767) St Stephen Walbrook Church (id=4764) St Thomas the Apostle Site (id=4763) Starmer, Charles Walter (id=7383) Stationers Company School Site (Worshipful Company of Stationers) (id=1852) Stocks Market (id=1061) Sunday Times (id=1854) The Bell, Carter Lane - Quiney, Richard - Shakespeare, William (id=2278) The Niblett Pegasus - Niblett, William Charles (id=7434) The Sunday Times - White, Henry (id=8457) Thompson, Frank Watson (id=7367) Tompion, Thomas - Graham, George (id=4661) Tory, Peter (id=7374) Truscott, Frances Wyatt - Temple Bar (id=7317) Tylers and Bricklayers Sundial - Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers - Martin, Clive (id=7096) Unilever House - De Keysers Hotel - Simpson, James Lomax (id=7974) Upton, Trevor (id=7377) Walker, Kathrine Sorley (id=7376) Wallace, Edgar (id=6209) Wareham, Arthur George (id=7368) Wesley, John (id=6210) Whittington, Dick (id=1869) Whittington, Dick (id=1870) Wilkes, John (id=1196) Woodruff, Alan Waller (id=7353) Worshipful Company of Cordwainers (id=1865) Worshipful Company of Cordwainers (id=6940) Worshipful Company of Cutlers (id=1871) Worshipful Company of Dyers (id=1586) Worshipful Company of Fruiterers (id=4762) Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers (id=1587) Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers (id=5660) Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers (id=5661) Worshipful Company of Turners (The Second Site) (id=1868) Worshipful Company of Upholders (id=1860) YMCA (id=1643)