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420 Plaque(s) (and 540 names) in Postcode: SW1

 Countess of Lovelace, Ada (id=2) Abbots of the Monastery of Westminster Abbey (id=3792) Aitken, Max (1st Baron Beaverbrook) (id=79) Alanbrooke, Viscount (id=8) Alexander of Tunis - Irish Guards (id=11) Alexander, George (id=12) Allied Powers (Maritime Courts) Act 1941 (id=8112) Amba bottom row 1-9 L to R (id=5313) Amba bottom row 10-18 L to R (id=5314) Amba bottom row 19-20 top row 19-20 L to R (id=5317) Amba top row 1-9 L to R (id=5315) Amba top row 10-18 L to R (id=5316) Arnold, Matthew (id=31) Ashby, Margery Corbett - Rhondda, Margaret Haig (id=5957) Ashley, Laura (id=35) Astor, Nancy (id=39) Austen, Jane (id=42) Australian War Memorial (id=3803) Avery, David (id=6469) Bagehot, Walter (id=47) Balcon, Michael (id=52) Baldock,Minnie - Inglis, Elsie (id=5941) Baldwin, Stanley (id=54) Bali Bombing Memorial (id=2026) Baron Lambourne (Amelius Richard Mark) (id=3812) Battle of Mareth - Clive, A F L (id=6445) Beardsley, Aubrey (id=75) Beaufort, Margaret (id=3805) Belgian Volunteers (id=2836) Bell, Carol (id=6467) Bell, Gertrude (id=4746) Bennett, Arnold (id=96) Bentham, George (id=99) Bentham, Jeremy (id=100) Bevan, Aneurin (Nye) - Lee, Jennie (id=1311) Billinghurst Rosa May - Hinscliff, Claude (id=5951) Bland, Dorothy (Mrs Jordan) (id=2339) Blunt, Wilfrid, Scawen (id=123) Bolivar, Simon (id=127) Boothby, Robert (id=134) Bowers, Henry Robertson (id=5603) British Armed Forces in the Korean War (id=3762) Brummell, Beau - Princess Michael of Kent (id=7303) Burdett-Coutts & Townshend School - Burdett-Coutts, William (id=6667) Burdett-Coutts & Townshend School - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6665) Burdett-Coutts & Townshend School - Townshend, Chauncy Hare - Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6666) Burgoyne, John Fox (id=172) Buxton, Charles - Buxton, Thomas - Wilberforce, William - Clarkson, Thomas - Macaulay, Zachary - Brougham, Henry - Lushington, Stephen (id=6971) Cadiz Memorial - Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) - King George IV (id=8002) Cain, John - State of Victoria (id=3804) Campbell, Colin (id=1403) Campbell, Thomas (id=2839) Campbell-Bannerman, Henry (id=184) Canning, George (id=5756) Canterbury Association - Godley, John Robert (id=3778) Cavendish, WIlliam (Marquess of Hartington) (id=6443) Cecil, Viscount (id=200) Chamberlain, Neville (id=203) Charity Scholar Bluecoat School - Blewcoat School (id=7410) Charity Scholar Bluecoat School - Blewcoat School (id=7411) Charity Scholars Greycoat Hospital - Grey Coat Hospital (id=7412) Charles, Ethel (id=6462) Chelsea Childrens Hospital - King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) (id=7005) Chichester, Francis (id=213) Chopin, Frederic (id=216) Chopin, Frederik (id=217) Churchill, Winston (id=222) Churchill, Winston (id=224) Churchill, Winston (id=225) Churchill, Winston (id=5749) Churchill, Winston - Churchill, Clementine (id=2843) Clifford, Anne (id=6459) Cobden, Richard (id=237) Cockburn, Jacqueline Theodora (id=3843) Columbus, Christopher (id=6686) Commonwealth Memorial Gates (id=2241) Conrad, Joseph (id=248) Cook, Captain James - Prince Arthur (id=7993) Cormeau, Yvonne (id=7727) Coronation tree - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5325) Costa, Michael (id=260) Coward, Noel (id=263) Cowper, WIlliam (id=3808) Craigen, Jesse - Blackburn, Helen (id=5934) Cribb, Tom (id=265) Cribb, Tom (id=5405) Crick, Francis (id=2846) Cromwell Association - Reburied Regicides (id=8108) Cromwell, Oliver (id=6561) Cubitt, Thomas (id=275) Cubitt, Thomas (id=276) Cubitt, Thomas (id=3687) Cubitt, Thomas (id=7716) Cugoano, Ottobah (id=5688) Cumming, Mansfield (id=277) Curzon, Marquess (id=278) Dadd, Richard (id=279) Danish-Norwegian Coade Stone (id=6642) Darbourne, John - Darke, Geoffrey (id=3534) Davison, Emily WIlding - Anderson, Louisa Garrett (id=5949) de Gaulle, Charles (id=295) de Gaulle, Charles (id=296) de San Martin, Jose (id=1916) de San Martin, Jose (id=6689) de San Martin, Jose - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Menem, Eduardo - Hooper, Angela - Hurd, Douglas - Campora, Mario (id=6690) Derby, 14th Earl of (Edward Stanley) (id=5959) Derby, 18th Earl of (John Stanley) (id=6439) Despard, Charlotte - Reddish, Sarah (id=5935) Dilke, Charles Wentworth (id=323) Dispuut House of Lords (id=8109) Disraeli, Benjamin (id=5752) Duchess of Kent (Princess Marina) (id=3794) Duncan-Sandys, Edwin (id=2084) Eisenhower, Dwight D (id=355) Eisenhower, Dwight D (id=356) Emanuel Hospital - Lady Dacre - Emanuel School (id=3818) Entente Cordiale (id=1619) Entente Cordiale - Petty-Fitzmaurice , Henry (5th Marquess of Landsdowne) (id=4453) Evans, Edith (id=373) Ewart, William (id=375) Farrar, Frederic (id=8105) Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (id=3166) Fegans Homes - Lord Kinnaird (id=379) Festival of Britain (id=4264) Fisher, John (id=389) Flanders Fields - Guards Division (id=6437) Fleming, Ian (id=394) Foch, Ferdinand (id=6909) Ford, Isabella - Ashton, Margaret (id=5937) Frank, Thomas Peirson (id=3480) Franklin, Henrietta - Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline - Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick (id=5946) Franklin, John (id=412) Frederick Duke of York (id=5699) Free French Forces (id=418) Gainsborough, Thomas (id=433) Gandhi, Mahatma (id=5753) Garside, Mair (id=3797) Gas, Light and Coke Company (id=2844) Gellhorn, Martha (id=4263) George, Ernest (id=3846) Gerald Road Police Station (id=2837) Geun-Hye, Park - Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) - Duke of Gloucester - Byung-se, Yun (id=7242) Gielgud, John (id=2415) Gladstone, W E (id=455) Goon Show - Sellers, Peter - Milligan, Spike - Secombe, Harry - Bentine, Michael (id=1934) Gort, Field Marshal Viscount (id=462) Gray, Henry (id=465) Grenadier Guards Armagh (id=6447) Grenadier Guards killed (id=6448) Grey, Edward (id=475) Grosvenor (2nd Marquess of Westminster), Richard (id=4747) Grosvenor, Hugh (7th Duke of Westminster) - The Peninsula Hotels (id=7702) Grosvenor, Robert - Grosvenor, Thomas - Duke of Westminster (Gerald Grosvenor) - Cundy, Thomas - Basevi, George - Cubitt, Thomas (id=6688) Guards Chapel (id=6442) Guards Depot (id=6441) Guards Memorial (id=7991) Guppy, Sarah (id=6461) Gwynne, Nell (id=481) Hadid, Zara (id=6468) Haldane, Richard (id=1813) Halifax, 1st Earl of (Edward Wood) (id=485) Harvey, Frederick Milton (id=3795) Haslam, Anna - Elmy, Elizabeth Wolstenholme (id=5933) Haslett, Caroline (id=6464) Haygarth, Arthur (id=505) Her Majestys Theatre - Vanbrugh, John - Phipps, C J (id=3780) Hervey Family (id=2819) Hill, Emery (id=3815) Ho Chi Minh (id=528) Hobhouse, Charles (id=4213) Hobhouse, John (id=4777) Holy Trinity Sloane Street - Cadogan, George (5th Earl) -  Cadogan, Beatrix Countess (id=6675) Hooper, Angela (id=3817) Hore-Belisha, Leslie (id=541) Household Cavalry (id=6134) Household Cavalry Horses (id=3847) Housman, Laurence - Roy, P L (id=5943) How-Martyn, Edith - Singh, Sophia Duleep (id=5952) Hughes, William Morris (id=2845) Hunt, Henry Arhtur - Trollope, George (id=8107) Huskisson, William (id=554) Huskisson, WIlliam (id=6148) Hutchinson, Leslie (Hutch) (id=7296) Innocent Victims Memorial (id=3827) Jermyn, Henry (id=583) Jerome K Jerome (id=2120) Johnson, Amy (id=6465) Kenney, Annie - Macarthur, Mary (id=5955) Kenyatta, Jomo (id=604) King Charles I (id=3167) King Charles I (id=8104) King Edward VII (id=5601) King Mswati III (id=7413) Kitchener of Khartoum, Earl (id=612) Kitchener of Khartoum, Earl (id=8001) Knight, John Peake (id=615) Kossoff, Leon (id=4196) Lady Reading (Stella Isaacs) - Womens Voluntary Services (id=2401) Lambeth Bridge - King George V - Queen Mary (id=6967) Langtry, Lillie (id=627) Langtry, Lillie (id=628) Lansbury, Minnie - Lansbury, George - Mansell-Moulin, Edith (id=5940) Lawrence, John (id=634) Lawrence, T E (id=637) Leigh, Vivien (id=643) Lewis, Rosa (id=655) Liberal Party, The (id=658) Lincoln, Abraham (id=5757) Lister, Joseph (id=7726) Lloyd, Jeremy (id=6170) Lloyd-George, David (id=5748) London Scottish Regiment (id=3820) Lopez-Pumarejo, Alfonso (id=1337) Lord Mackay of Clashfern - Middlesex Guildhall (id=8113) Lord Palmerston (Henry Temple) (id=829) Lord Palmerston (Henry Temple) (id=830) Lord Palmerston (Henry Temple) (id=5751) Lowndes, Mary - Balfour, Lady Frances (id=5938) Lubbock, John (Lord Avebury) (id=676) Machine Gun Corps Memorial (id=4973) Machine Gun Corps Memorial (id=6331) MacMillan, Chrystal - Rathbone, Eleanor (id=5948) Macmillan, Douglas (id=689) Mallin, Harry (id=3677) Mandela, Nelson (id=5754) Manning, Cardinal (id=696) Marshall, Catherine - Gawthorpe, Mary (id=5956) Matcham, Frank - Victoria Palace Theatre (id=3190) McCall, Charles (id=2119) McLaren, Priscilla Bright - McLaren, Eva - Cobbe, Frances Power (id=5945) Mendelssohn, Felix (id=734) Menuhin, Yehudi (id=7720) Metropolitan Asylums Board (id=5605) Metternich, Prince (id=740) Middlesex County Council (id=8114) Middlesex Guildhall - Herbrand Russell (11th Duke of Bedford) (id=8111) Middlesex Guildhall Staff WW1 War Memorial (id=8117) Middlesex Guildhall Staff WW2 War Memorial (id=8118) Middlesex Regiment War Memorial (id=8116) Mill, James - Mill, John Stuart (id=742) Millbank Prison (id=746) Milton, Simon (id=752) Milton, Simon (id=2840) Milton, Viscount (id=3788) Mond, Helen Edith (id=7006) Montefiore, Dora - Osler, Catherine Courtauld (id=5936) Montgomery of Alamein (Monty) (id=760) Moore, George (id=762) Morgan, Francis Charles (id=3814) Mothers Union - Princess Mary (Viscount Lascelles) (id=3824) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=3784) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=7990) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl (id=8000) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl - Mountbatten, Edwina  (id=772) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (id=774) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (id=6133) Murray, Emily (id=3793) Napoleon III (id=780) National Union of Womens Suffrage Societies (id=7090) Navy & Air Force Memorial,Polish Army (id=6558) Newton, Isaac (id=794) Nicolson, Harold - Sackville-West, Vita  (id=798) Noel-Baker, Philip (id=803) Old Admiralty Building (id=1574) One Tun Ragged School (id=3822) Pall Mall Restaurant - Rugby Football Union (id=4776) Palmer, Keith (id=3676) Pankhurst Memorial - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3689) Pankhurst Memorial - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3688) Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=7649) Pankhurst, Emmeline - Pankhurst, Sylvia - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Adela - Selborne, Maud (id=5939) Park, Keith (id=834) Peabody, George (id=844) Peel, Robert (id=5755) Peel, Robert (id=6583) Pelham, Henry (id=851) Perry, Alice (id=6463) Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham) - Gladstone, W E - Derby, 14th Earl of (Edward Stanley) (id=870) Pitt-Rivers, Augustus (id=874) Plimsoll, Samuel (id=878) Pochin, Agnes - Becker, Lydia (id=5944) Police Plaque-Fletcher, Yvonne (id=2816) Police Plaque-Stephen Dodd - Lane, Noel - Arbuthnot,Jane (id=2771) Polish Government in Exile (id=883) Pret a Manger (id=3821) Prince Arthur - British Columbia House (id=4363) Prince Henry the Navigator (id=6687) Princess Mary (Viscount Lascelles) (id=3811) Purcell, Henry (id=4197) Queen Anne (id=6969) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3810) Queen Elizabeth II - Supreme Court (id=8110) Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6050) Queen Mary - Marlborough House (id=3777) Queen Wilhelmina (id=2838) Queens Gallery - Queen Elizabeth II (id=7999) Raczynski, Count Edward (id=901) Rathbone, Eleanor (id=908) Reith, John (id=916) Richmond, Bill - Cribb, Tom (id=7302) Rifle Brigade (id=7989) River Tyburn (id=3796) Robert Lowe (Viscount Sherbrooke) (id=8103) Roberts, Earl (id=8003) Roe Bridge (id=5602) Rootstein Hopkins Parade Ground - Kapoor, Anish (id=5319) Roper, Esther - Gore-Booth, Eva - Chew, Ada Nield (id=5947) Rosebery, 6th Earl of (Harry Primrose) - Roberts, Peter - Jeffreys, George (id=6438) Royal Army Medical Corps - Convicts in Australia (id=3740) Royal Army Service Corps (id=6559) Royal Canadian Air Force Overseas (id=6560) Royal Marines War Memorial (id=7091) Royal Naval Division War Memorial (id=8005) Royden, Agnes Maude - Billington-Greig, Teresa (id=5953) Russell, John (id=962) Sancho, Ignatius (id=967) Sassoon, Siegfried (id=972) Savage, Richard (id=975) Scotland Yard (id=984) Scotland Yard Eternal Flame (id=6582) Scott, Captain Robert Falcon (id=985) Scott, George Gilbert - Pearson, John Loughborough - Farrar, Frederic - St Margarets Church (id=8106) Scurr, Julia - Robinson, Annot (id=5950) Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna - Drummond, Flora (id=5954) Shelley, Mary (id=1000) Shipley, William - Royal Society of Arts (id=3779) Sikorski, General Wladyslaw (id=2841) Slim, Viscount William (id=1020) Smith, F E (id=1023) Smith, William (id=1028) Smuts, Jan (id=5750) Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts - King George V (id=3825) St Georges Hospital (id=2147) St Georges Hospital (id=3785) St Jamess Park  Station - Auton, Thomas (id=6968) St Jamess Theatre - Leigh, Vivien - Olivier, Laurence - Alexander, George (id=3776) St Margarets Church tower - King George II - Onslow, Arthur - Walpole, Robert - Wager, Charles - Sundon, William (id=8102) St Peters Church (id=3787) St Stephen with St John Westminster - Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6664) Stanley, Henry Morton (id=1051) Stead, W T (id=1054) Stewart-Brown, Nessie - Swanwick, Helena (id=5942) Strachey, Ray - Wilkinson, Ellen (id=5958) Stuart House - Stuart Reliefs (id=5324) Suffragette Tribute (id=4199) Sullivan, Arthur P (id=1076) Sumner, Mary - Mothers Union (id=3823) Tachbrook Estate (id=3806) Tachbrook Estate (id=3809) Tennyson, Alfred Lord (id=1095) Texas Legation (id=2831) Thatcher, Margaret (id=3826) The Chindits - Wingate, Orde Charles (id=3763) The Mareth Cross (id=6446) The Middlesex Regiment (id=8115) The National Police Memorial - Queen Elizabeth II - Foster, Norman - Winner, Michael (id=7992) The Over-Seas League (id=3774) The Over-Seas League - Patricia Knatchbull (2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma) (id=3775) The Queens Chapel St James Palace - Jones, Inigo (id=7227) The Royal Yacht Squadron - King William IV (Duke of Clarence) (id=7117) Thompson, Austin (id=3786) Thompson, David (id=1106) Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) (id=601) Thrale, Ralph - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=5604) Tothill Fields Gate (id=8100) Tothill Fields Prison (id=8101) Townley, Charles (id=1118) Trafalgar Way (id=1575) Trafalgar Way (id=6360) Trafford, Humphrey de - Bowes-Lyon, James - Parker-Bowles, Derek (id=6444) Tree, Herbert Beerbohm (id=1122) Tree, Herbert Beerbohm (id=1622) Tuttle Fields (id=3807) United Nations (id=1143) United Westminster Almshouses - Palmer, James - Hill, Emery (id=3813) Unknown Warrior (id=3789) Victims of Violence (id=4198) Victoria Coach Station (id=3790) Victoria Palace Theatre - Matcham, Frank (id=2842) Vivekananda, Swami (id=1149) Walpole, Robert - Walpole, Horace (id=1159) Walton, William (id=1162) Waterloo Bridge (id=6466) Waterloo Way (id=4743) Watson, James (id=3771) Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington) (id=7138) Wellesley, Arthur Charles (4th Duke of Wellington) (id=1178) Westminster Chapel (id=3819) Westminster Fire Station (id=3816) Westminster Hall - Airship R101 - King George V (id=6562) Westminster Hall - Churchill, Winston (id=6566) Westminster Hall - Gladstone, W E (id=6568) Westminster Hall - Hastings, Warren (id=6563) Westminster Hall - King Charles I (id=6574) Westminster Hall - King Edward VII (id=6567) Westminster Hall - King George V (id=6571) Westminster Hall - King George V (id=6575) Westminster Hall - King George VI (id=6569) Westminster Hall - Mandela, Nelson (id=6573) Westminster Hall - More, Thomas (id=6565) Westminster Hall - Parliamentary War Memorial (id=6580) Westminster Hall - Parliamentary War Memorial (id=6581) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6576) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6579) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth II - de Montfort, Simon - King Henry III (id=6578) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6570) Westminster Hall - Queen Mary (id=6572) Westminster Hall - Wallace, William (id=6577) Westminster Hall - Wentworth, Thomas (id=6564) Wilberforce, William (id=1191) Wilbraham, Elizabeth (id=6460) Wilde, Oscar (id=1193) Willes, George - Holy Trinity Sloane Street (id=7423) Wilton, George William (id=7304) Windsor-Clive, Robert George - Douglas-Campbell, Philip Archibald - Arkwright, R A (id=6440) Wingate, Orde Charles (id=3064) Wingfield, Walter Clopton (id=1207) Winsor, Frederick (id=1209) Wolseley, Garnet (id=8004) Wren, Christopher (id=3791)