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215 plaques (and 227 names) with a category of Entrepreneur

Abney, Thomas (id=1321) Norwood Grove - King Charles II - Anderson, Arthur (id=3667) Wakefield, Edward Gibbon - Gouger, Robert - Torrens, Robert - Angas, George Fife (id=3346) Angus, Michael (id=8084) Arden, Don - Small Faces (id=1912) Ashbee, C R (id=1710) Ashley, Laura (id=35) Audley, Bernard (id=7388) Aylward, June (id=2915) Balding, Richard Courtney (id=5437) Barbera, Renzo (id=8315) Essex Street - Barbon, Nicholas - Bridgeman, Orlando - Fielding, Henry - Crosby, Brass - Savage, James - Charles Edward Stuart, Prince - Lindsey, Theophilus - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=61) Baring, Francis (id=1463) Barnato Family - Middlesex Hospital (id=5063) Baron Hermann de Stern - Peoples Palace Mile End (id=5861) Baron, Louis Bernard (id=6302) Barratt, Thomas J (Bell Moor) (id=64) Beaton, Ernest (id=5973) Beharry, Martyn Edward (id=4324) Eagle House - Bell Robert - Jackson, Thomas (id=3101) Bing, Rudolf (id=7655) Boulnois, Edmund - St Charles Hospital (id=5775) Boustead, John (id=7221) Britton, Thomas (id=1844) Castalia Square - Brookes, Bruno (id=6826) Bryant, Theodore - Lord Carlingford - Gladstone, W E (id=6324) Burke, Henry (id=3893) Burton, James (id=3597) Cadbury, John - Rowntree, Henry Isaac - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5624) Campbell, Marshall (id=2059) Clarkson, Willy (id=228) Clayton, Robert - Gibbons, Grinling (id=6048) Cohen, Jack (id=1722) Cohen, Jack (id=5725) Hammersmith Hospital - Conran, Terence (id=6361) Coutts, Thomas (id=3860) Cowell, Simon (id=3702) Cox, C W (id=3158) Cruft, Charles (id=2724) Mitcham Court - Czarnikow ,  Caesar - Mallaby-Deeley, Harry (id=7155) Stanmore Hall - DArcy, William Knox - Holland, Robert (id=3031) DOyly Carte, Richard (id=3595) DOyly Carte, Richard (id=337) DOyly Carte, Richard (id=2871) Adelphi Terrace - Adam, John - Adam, Robert - Beauclerk, Topham - Beauclerk, Diana - Garrick, David - DOyly Carte, Richard - Hardy, Thomas - Shaw, George Bernard - Savage Club (id=2805) Daskalopoulos, Dimitris (id=8444) De Miralles, Juan - Penn, John - Penn, Richard - Penn, William - Chew, Benjamin (id=7626) de Rokesley, Gregory (id=304) Dealy, George Bannerman (id=7589) Derby, 18th Earl of (John Stanley) (id=6439) Doulton, Henry (id=5498) du Cros, William Harvey (id=6917) Dunsmuir, Robert (id=4143) Royal Ear Hospital - Duveen, Henry (id=5880) Duveen, Henry Joseph (id=5718) Duveen, Louis Joel (id=5720) Dyke, Dryden and Wade (id=5703) Edelman, Daniel J (id=2407) Edmondson, James (id=2848) Edwards, Jamal - SB.TV (id=6623) Epstein, Brian (id=368) Epstein, Brian (id=2920) Fitch, Herbert - Worshipful Company of Stationers (id=6008) Queen Elizabeth II - Flavel, Peter (id=7106) Ford, Henry (id=6630) Forte Family (id=5844) Forte Family (id=5845) Frankau, Arthur - Frankau, Julia (id=5841) Freeman, Michael - Harber, David (id=8119) Garth, Susan (id=441) Gatti, Carlo (id=1237) Gatti, John (id=444) Gilpin, John - Cowper, William (id=3036) Gluckel of Hameln (id=7857) Well House, The - Glyn, Arthur (id=1176) Glyn, George Carr - Grenfell, Pascoe (id=7268) Montrose - Gordon, Frederick - Cohen, Brunel - Dowding, Hugh - Leigh-Mallory, Trafford (id=7164) Queen Elizabeth I - St. Dunstan-in-the-West - Gosling, Francis (id=7321) Grade, Michael (id=2181) Grahame-White Aviation Company - Grahame-White, Claude (id=6765) Green, Richard (id=4515) Gresham, Thomas (id=4752) Griffiths, John (id=3312) Gye, Frederick (id=6919) Hamleys - Hamley, William (id=5216) Campden Hill Square - Hanson, Joshua Flesher (id=2455) Bell House - Wright, Thomas - Harding, Anthony - Widdowson, George - Lucas, Nan - Lutyens, Edwin (id=6535) Harmsworth, Robert Leicester (id=7381) Harmsworth, Robert Leicester - Harmsworth, Harold Cecil Aubrey (id=5769) Hayward, Charles (id=4060) Hazell, W Howard (id=7401) Heals - Heal, Ambrose (id=5235) Heals - Heal, Ambrose (id=5236) Heal, Ambrose (id=1526) Heathcote, Gilbert (id=1758) Hendrick, Charles (id=5965) Hengler, Frederick Charles (id=5902) Hewlett, Hilda (id=4359) Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyle) - Hill, Philip E (id=3974) Holt, Follett (id=5667) Holtzapffel, John Jacob (id=6317) Spitalfields Market - Horner, Robert (id=5783) Spitalfields Market - Horner, Robert (id=5782) Horniman, Frederick John (id=1454) Horniman, Frederick John (id=1453) Jaffe, Otto (id=5830) Joseph, Norman Samuel (id=6300) Kanoo, Ahmed Ali (id=5094) Kemp, Thomas Read (id=2580) King, Gary (Clink Wharf) (id=2251) Flamingo Club - Kruger, Jeffrey (id=4361) Laing, John (id=5727) Lane, Allen - Penguin Books (id=13) Lane, Hugh (id=624) Lebus, Harris (id=5677) Leuchars, James (id=7011) Lever, William (Viscount Leverhulme) (id=652) Lewis, John - Lewis, John Spedan (id=654) Lewis, Rosa (id=655) Liberty, Arthur (id=7121) Barclays Bank - Lloyd II, Samson - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5625) Morris, William - LLoyd, Edward (id=769) Duffield, Vivien Clore  - Robey, Simon - Lord Sainsbury (id=6920) Kops Brewery - Lowenfeld, Henry (id=2196) Lucas, George - Spielberg, Steven (id=3697) LEO computer - Lyons, Joseph (id=4285) Lyons, Joseph (id=2661) Lyons, Joseph - J Lyons War Memorial (id=6492) Mac, Gordon (id=7743) Benvoulin - Mackay, George Grant (id=4001) Lloyds of London - MacKinnon, Percy Graham (id=5855) Hindoostane Coffee House - Mahomed, Sake Dean (id=691) Mahomed, Sake Dean (id=6719) Manze, M (id=2128) Manze, M (id=2990) Marriott, Bill - Angus, Michael (id=8083) Leysian Mission - Marshall, Horace B - Lord Strathcona (Donald Smith) - McArthur, Alexander - Reed, Albert (id=5654) Rennie the Younger, John - London Bridge - McCulloch, Robert (id=8426) McGregor, George (id=4097) McMillan, W. G. (id=7579) Miknas, Akram (id=5091) Milligan, Robert (id=1773) Anchor Brewery - Monger, James - Child, Josiah - Halsey, Edmund - Thrale, Ralph - Thrale, Henry - Barclay Perkins - Courage Ltd (id=1520) Montagu Pyke - Marquee Club (id=2403) Montefiore, Joseph Sebag - Lauderdale Road Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue (id=7075) Morgan, Junius S - Morgan, John Pierpont (id=767) Most, Mickie (id=771) Mullins, Doug (id=2115) Munz, Jakob Ludwig (id=7835) Queen Victoria - Musgrove, John (id=6396) The Seven Dials Sundial - Pierce, Edward - Neale, Thomas (id=6278) Nettlefold, Frederick (id=3668) Norman, Henry - Cutty Sark (id=4249) Page, Dame Mary - Page, Gregory (id=7428) Palmer, Samuel (id=4985) Palmer, Samuel (id=5904) Parry, Edward (id=6244) Jamaica Wine House (1st Coffee House in London) - Pasqua Rosee (id=1961) Paul, Aruna - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=7077) Paul, Ambika - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=5206) Paul, Angad - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=5205) Paul, Lord Swraj - Paul, Aruna (id=7295) Peel, Robert (Father) - Peel, Robert (id=850) Dragon boundary mark City of London West - Perring, Ralph Edgar (id=4221) Picton, Cesar (id=3138) Procter Family (id=6207) Henriette Raphael Nurses Home - Raphael, Henry (id=5414) Rathbone, Theodore Woolman (id=8302) Reibey, Mary (id=3392) Reuter, Paul Julius (id=1577) R P Rithet - Rither, R P (id=4072) Ritz, Cesar (id=1597) Ritz, Cesar - Ritz Hotel (id=5118) Camberwell Public Library - Edwards, John Passmore - Rolls, John  (1st Baron Llangattock) (id=7061) Rolls, Georgina (Lady Llangattock) - Camberwell Public Baths - Rolls, John  (1st Baron Llangattock) (id=7060) Rothschild, Alfred Charles de (id=6546) Rothschild, Amschel - Rothschild, Victor (id=1412) Evelina Childrens Hospital  - Rothschild, Evelina - Rothschild, Ferdinand de - Farre, Arthur (id=5436) Rothschild, Lionel Walter (id=5674) Rothschild, Nathan Meyer (id=6542) Selfridge, Harry Gordon (id=993) Sheriff, Lawrence - Rugby School (id=8468) The Old Fire Station Southwark - Smith, Christopher (id=5998) Smith, Tom (Christmas Cracker) (id=5657) Smith, Tom (Christmas Cracker) (id=5655) Smith, W H (id=1027) Smith, W H (id=1026) Smith, William Frederick Danvers - Smith W H (id=6224) Side Wheeler Isabel - Stamp, Edward (id=4094) Stamp, Josiah Charles (id=6632) Stephen, John (id=2830) Stern, Edward (id=5240) Tagore, Dwarkanath (id=6680) Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat (id=7409) Tang, David (id=3170) Tatem, James George - Wyer Hall (id=3045) Great House - Tench, Fisher  (id=2965) Thornton, Henry W (id=4036) Thrale, Henry - Thrale, Hester (id=2611) Thrale, Ralph - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=5604) Treloar, William - Ragged School (id=6054) Turpel, William (id=4125) Twining, Thomas (id=4742) Van Horne, William Cornelius (id=4023) City of London School 
 - Ward, William (id=1856) Watkin, Edward - Great Central Railway (id=5019) Watts, Roy (id=2086) Wedgwood, Josiah (id=1938) Weinstock, Arnold - Weinstock, Simon (id=5722) Wernher, Julius - Luton Hoo (id=6118) Wertheimer, Asher (id=6552) King George III - Queen Charlotte - Whitbread, Samuel (id=2775) Wigram, Robert (id=2999) Willis, Father Henry (id=1205) Green, Leslie - Yerkes, Charles Tyson (id=6481)