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328 plaques (and 314 names) with a category of Misc

Adeyanju, Olatunji (id=4899) Ali, Altab (id=5856) Alice Maud Denman and Peter Regelous (id=6928) Alli, Akbar (id=8435) Andreassen, Severin (id=3476) Anonymous Ghost Bike (id=5541) Armour, Alan Norman (id=4103) Arnhold, Jacob (id=5925) Arnold, Sonja (id=6903) St Jamess Park  Station - Auton, Thomas (id=6968) Barber, Francis - Johnson, Doctor Samuel (id=7300) Barnes, Bert (Leysdown Boy Scouts Tragedy) (id=4689) Basher, Caspar Alexander (id=6800) Bass, Mark (id=7237) Beatrice Dowager Lady Dimsdale - The Mission Limehouse (id=6948) Bell, Carol (id=6467) Belle, Dido Elisabeth (id=4238) St Marylebone School - Benett, William (id=5086) Benjamin, Louis David (id=6539) Benjamin, Louis David (id=6541) Benjamin, Louis David (id=6537) Besley, Robert (id=4663) Bianchi, Cesare (id=5843) Bingham, John - Queen Elizabeth I - King James I (id=8177) Bingham, Susan (id=6816) Blagborne, William Harley (id=4098) Blair, Robert (id=5915) Blake, William - Blake, Catherine (id=1950) Blake, Catherine (id=6151) Blind Fred (id=4582) Bliss, Henry H (First Fatal Motor Accident) (id=2880) Bobs Corner (Robert Brady) (id=3829) Boden, Charles (id=6784) Bolan, June (id=4465) Bostock, Frank (id=4304) Boswell, Levi - Gipsy (Gypsy) Lee (id=7723) Bowler, Clifford Norman (id=141) Brady, Brixton (id=4601) Bride, Harold (id=1648) Bridgeman, Charles (id=150) Brooks, Allen (id=7595) Bruce, Esther (id=6694) Brummell, Beau - Princess Michael of Kent (id=7303) Brummell, Beau (id=166) Burniston, Christabel (id=7087) Byers, William D (id=4120) Byron, Lady (id=181) Caslon, William (id=1953) Cavin, Elllice Martin (id=4121) Chancellor, Thomas (id=5636) Dickens, Charles - Charles Kitterbell (A Bloomsbury Christening) (id=2492) Chippendale, Thomas (id=214) Christie, George (id=7656) Clements.,Alfred (id=8098) Cleveland, Charles (id=5916) Clinton, John (id=6016) Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice - Clinton, John (id=4857) Crosby, Thomas Boor - Gresham Committee - Coates, David (id=7287) Collins, David Joseph - Worshipful Company of Lightmongerrs (id=7462) Conquest, Jahmai (id=5977) Corroux, Alfred (id=5967) Craddock, Fanny (id=2963) Cullen, Horace - Crosby, Thomas Boor (id=7286) Dadds, Hannah (id=6480) Dagless, Mary Louise (id=5264) Daley, J A (Jack) (id=4114) Daniels, George (id=1543) de Lamerie, Paul (id=297) Dearmer, Geoffrey - Dearmer, Margaret (id=3840) Dinnegan, Martin (id=4276) Dockwra, William (id=1579) Dow, Robert - Merchants Taylors Company (id=7454) Dun, Elizabeth (id=4433) Elizabeth Countess of Home (id=5073) Ellis, Henry (id=6246) Escott, Duncan Miller (id=7363) St Johns Lodge Garden - Evans, Anne Lydia (id=5244) Faryner, Thomas - Worshipful Company of Bakers (id=4653) Fauguet, Anna (id=5255) Marylebone Station - Fay, Edgar - Fay, Sam (id=5021) Fedorowicz, Helena (id=5826) Ferro, Giuseppe (id=8333) Feuz, Edward (id=4018) Flett, John (id=4087) Flynn, Jay - Jays Virtual Pub Quiz (id=6371) Fogg, Phileas J (id=399) Ford, Henry Bayles (id=3310) Frank, Anne (id=6153) Frank, Anne (id=6155) Fraser Jr, Stanley (id=4119) Fraser Sr, Stanley (id=4118) Freeborn, Stuart (id=2973) Freeman, Alan (id=1996) Fryatt, Charles (id=7730) Gardner, W E (id=4095) Garnett, Harry (id=7212) Garthwaite, Anna Maria (id=1639) Gassy Jack (John Deighton) (id=4188) Gawronski, Adam (id=7141) Geard, Henry (id=4482) Gee, Harry (id=4607) Gibb, Andrew (id=4962) Gibson, Anna - Cromwell, Richard (id=4986) Otter - Glide, Harry (id=4059) Gold, Jonathan (id=3670) Goodison, Henry E (Kenwood Fountain) (id=2096) Gregory, Caroline Bousfield (id=7048) Guillaume, Rex (id=7364) Gumbiner, Sam (id=2572) Gunn, Martha (id=2573) Gyle-Thomson, Hugh (id=7342) Hagedorn, Elisabeth (id=483) Hall, Edward Marshall (id=2574) Wall of the Ancestors - Hamilton, Michael (id=4882) Harmsworth, Mary (Viscountess Rothermere) (id=7399) Harper, Phyllis (id=4243) Hartnell, Norman (id=502) Heater, George and William (id=4115) Heath, Cato (id=8431)  (id=) Hogarth, Mary Scott - Dickens, Charles (id=5994) Hogg, Quintin - Quintin and Alice Hogg Memorial - Hogg, Alice (id=5061) Howard, Andrew (id=6392) Japanese Gardens Gunnersbury House - Hudson, James (id=5731) Hunter, Rick (id=4300) Hurley, Alfrerd James (id=6620) Ivancic, Jerko (id=7840) Jackson, Wilston Samuel (id=6253) Jacobson, Victor (id=4077) Janner, Barnett - Janner, Elsie (id=5673) Jarrett, Cynthia (id=4323) Jean Baptiste Baudreau II (id=7530) Jeffery, Frank (id=6703) Jelusic, Petar (id=7945) Jenks, Maurice - Jenks, RIchard (id=7284) Jermyn, Henry (id=583) Jesky, Morris (id=3895) Jims Pitch (id=3835) John the Book Man (id=8186) Johnson, Thomas (id=8078) Johnson, Thomas (id=6116) Johnston, Edward (id=6191) Johnston, Edward (id=1246) Sailing of the Mayflower - Jones, Christopher (id=2373) Jones, Christopher - Mayflower (id=4870) Kelley, Cereno Jones (id=4122) Keynes, John Maynard (id=605) Bloomsbury Group - Woolf, Virginia - Grant, Duncan - Stephen, Adrian - Woolf, Leonard - Keynes, John Maynard (id=3636) Knights, Brian (id=5980) Knox, Arthur Booth (id=4000) Kooi, Andreas Gerrit (id=7211) St Matthews Church - Lady Barrow (id=6503) King Charles II - Cibber, Caius Gabriel - Lady Gilbert (id=5155) Lady Ludlow (Blanche Holden) - Lord Ludlow (Henry Lopes) - King Henry VI - Astley, Joanna (id=6974) Number 1 Poultry - Lady Mary Stirling (wife) (id=7334) Laing, Robert A (id=4089) Lambert, Kit - Lambert, George Washington - Lambert, Constant - Lambert, George W (id=6212) Lawrence, Philip (id=635) Laws, John (id=7166) Lawson, George (Yorkeys Knob) (id=3474) Le Tac, Yvonne (id=8409) Wall of the Ancestors - Lee, Debra (id=4876) Leslie, Inez (id=4308) Whitechapel Library - Lewis, Bernard (id=8445) Liberty, William (id=2420) Lightoller, Charles (id=4744) Lilly, William (id=659) Linnell, Alfred (id=4560) Lionel Moody & Alexander Lucuz (id=3475) Smith, Anthony - Littlejohn, Albert (id=1836) Lofts, Henry (id=5092) Luscombe, John (id=6115) Lynch, Bradley (id=4555) Lyttelton, Laura (id=5597) Mrs Macquaries Chair - Macquarie, Elizabeth  (id=3453) Maggies Corner (id=690) Marino, Patricia (id=4704) Marow, Lady Mary (id=7015) Wall of the Ancestors - Martin, Tommy (id=4888) Matthews, Paul (id=5252) McCall, Davina (id=4536) Gaitskell, Baroness Dora - McNeal, Julia (id=6426) McQueen, Alexander - Humble, Yvonne (id=7659) McQueen, Alexander (id=2853) Meard, John (id=5382) Meard, John (id=5383) Mehra, Medi (id=5987) Merry, Isla (id=4244) Wall of the Ancestors - Metrina (id=4891) Millings, Dougie (id=8471) Miss Rose (id=753) Mlakar, Oliver (id=7786) Mond, Helen Edith (id=7006) Moran, Zena (id=6608) Morgan, Jeffrey (id=5256) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl - Mountbatten, Edwina  (id=772) Shakespeare, William - Mountjoy, Christopher and Mary (id=4666) St Marylebone Parish Church - Mrs Gladstone (id=5082) Muir, Jean (id=6129) Muzira, Richard (id=4906) Mydiddee (id=4898) Naisbett, Elsie (id=4347) National Amalgamated Approved Society - Neill, Thomas (id=5055) Nelson, Nigel (id=6908) White, Edward - Nicholles, John (id=4071) Nosotti, Charles (id=6679) Wall of the Ancestors - OLeary, Tony (id=4886) Ogilvy-Webb, James (id=5270) Olein, Marjorie (id=6668) Oliver, Bernard Henry (id=6674) Oliver, Harry and Elizabeth (id=5634) Olubunmi-Adewole, Jimi (id=8427) Ossington, Charlotte - Lucy Lady Howard de Walden (id=5087) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=5455) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=5435) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=7168) Pallan, Michael (id=4038) Panarello, Giovanni (id=8311) Patel, Pravin (id=6991) Paul (Trouble) Anderson (id=7742) Paul, Ambika (id=7292) Paul, Ambika - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=5206) Paul, Aruna - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=7077) Paul, Lord Swraj - Paul, Aruna (id=7295) Payne, Thomas (id=4471) Pierce, Elsie Louisa (id=3711) Pocahontas (id=3200) Pontifex, Daniel Price (id=5538) Wall of the Ancestors - Pope, Peter (id=4885) Potter Family (id=7301) Punter, Vivien (id=5258) Purdey, James (id=894) Quant, Mary (id=4282) Rabinowicz, Harry - Rabinowicz, Bella (id=5721) Ratray, Mary Gray (id=4432) Reardon, Helen (id=4977) Reith, John (id=916) Richards, Anne - Richards, Frederick (id=4668) Robert Wright and Peter Docking (id=7338) Roche, Geoff (id=7729) Roesia of Dover - Richard de Luci - Lesnes Abbey (id=2333) Rogers, Lydia (id=5816) Roman Girl (id=4754) Rosenberg, Paul - Institute for Research on the Jewish Question (id=8398) Ross, Betsy - Kent, A Atwater (id=7630) Ross, Betsy (id=7629) Ross, Betsy (id=7631) Rothschild, Emma Louisa (id=6543) Evelina Childrens Hospital  - Rothschild, Evelina - Rothschild, Ferdinand de - Farre, Arthur (id=5436) Rothschild, Hannah (Countess of Rosebery) (id=5444) Rothschild, Hannah (Countess of Rosebery) (id=5443) Rothschild, Leonora de (id=6547) Rothschild, Marie de (id=6545) Worshipful Company of Basketmakers - Rowley, Geoffrey (id=7339) Roy, Major-General William (id=949) Russell, Fred (id=1368) Russell, Ralph (id=6081) Salter, Joseph (id=4649) Samuel, Viscountess  Beatrice (id=4425) Saunders, Nicholas (id=974) Savage, Valerie (id=8071) Seaman, Michael (id=7236) Seaward, Robert (id=3836) Sheraton, Thomas (id=1004) Skryzypiec, Adrianna (id=5565) Smith, Mary Harris (id=6946) Smith, Smudge (id=4529) Sotheran, Rosetta (id=5596) Sparkes, George (id=1499) Spry, Constance (id=1040) Squires, David (id=5509) Stafford, Don (id=7174) Stanley, Albert Henry (Lord Ashfield) (id=34) Stanley, Mrs William Ford (id=6702) Stellman, Marcel (id=7981) Sterry, Henry (id=5518) Wall of the Ancestors - Stewart, Shirley (id=4889) Stride, Elizabeth - Jack the Ripper (id=6292) Strong, Jonathan - Sharp, Granville (id=7297) Stuttle, Benjamin (id=6785) Sullivan, Arthur P (id=1076) Swyer, George (id=5704) Teixeira, Joáo Thomaz (id=8037) Tereshchenko, Svitlana (id=4573) Theobalds, Frank (id=6704) Thomas, Jacks (id=6223) Thomas, Jacks (id=5765) Thorax, Frankie (id=7107) Tickle, Japheth (id=7285) Tindal, Nicolas Conyngham (id=2216) Tindal, Nicolas Conyngham (id=2219) Todd, Charles (id=7024) Townley, Charles (id=1118) Trevelyan, Florence (id=8318) Trevelyan, Florence (id=8320) Tritton, Violet Alice (id=5522) Hunt, Henry Arhtur - Trollope, George (id=8107) Venus, James (id=2986) Venus, James (id=2985) Vilmet, Amand (id=7039) Vollasky, Abraham - last V2 Rocket attack (id=6783) Aldridge, Ira - Von Brandt, Amanda (id=6744) Tilikum - Voss, J C (id=4083) Walker, Herbert Ashcombe (id=6711) Wallace, Herman - Angola Three - Chiswick Mosaic House (id=6384) Woolley, Geoffrey - Walsh, Tommy (id=6326) Ware, Fabian (id=1165) Waterhouse, Edwin (id=1169) Watson, Ethel (id=3334) Watson, Robert (id=3454) Wells, Vyvyan (id=4269) Wertheimer, Flora (id=6553) West, Jabez (id=5567) Whiting, Thomas (id=7464) Blackfriars Station - Whitwell, David (id=8181) Bell House - Wright, Thomas - Harding, Anthony - Widdowson, George - Lucas, Nan - Lutyens, Edwin (id=6535) Wileman, George and Rose (id=4380) Wilkinson, Fanny (id=6910) Willett, William (id=2030) Willett, William (id=3191) Willett, William (id=1663) Wilton, George William (id=7304) Wolstenholme, Kenneth (id=8154) Woodget, Richard (Captain of Cutty Sark) (id=2266) Labouchere - Wootton, Henry (id=4065) Yurich, Jacqueline Paulette Drouilly (id=7997) Ziegler, Reinhard (id=6853) Ziganto, Igor (id=7836)