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1224 plaques (and 1212 names) with a gender of Female:

Holy Trinity Sloane Street - Cadogan, George (5th Earl) -  Cadogan, Beatrix Countess (id=6675) Adams, Dolly Marie Douroux (id=7485) Tull, Walter - Adams, Nicola - Howard, Luke (id=4326) Adele (id=3726) Albrecht, Bertie (id=8413) Aldrich-Blake,  Louisa Brandreth (id=6340) Aldrich-Blake, Louisa Brandreth (id=5010) Alice Maud Denman and Peter Regelous (id=6928) Allingham, Margery (id=15) Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (id=6715) Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (id=5067) Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital - Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (id=6227) Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (id=21) Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (id=6335) Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (id=1724) Anderson, Louisa Garrett (id=6337) Endell Street Military Hospital - Anderson, Louisa Garrett - Murray, Flora (id=2139) Andresen, Sophia de Mello Breyner (id=8046) Andrews, Julie (id=6271) Angers, Avril (id=8507) Annesley, Susanna (id=1730) Arber, Agnes Robertson (id=3533) Police Plaque-Stephen Dodd - Lane, Noel - Arbuthnot,Jane (id=2771) Macdougall, William Brown - Armour, Margaret (id=6067) Armstrong, Boo (id=6640) Armstrong, Lucille (id=7598) Arnaud, Yvonne (id=28) Arnold, Sonja (id=6903) Ashby, Margery Corbett - Rhondda, Margaret Haig (id=5957) Ashley, Laura (id=35) Astafieva, Princess Seraphine (id=38) Fletcher, Cyril - Astell, Betty (id=8506) Astley, Thea (id=3409) Astor, Nancy (id=39) Atwell, Winifred (id=6656) Atwell, Winifred (id=5680) Austen, Jane (id=41) Austen, Jane - Bull and George Dartford (id=7251) Austen, Jane (id=42) Austen, Henry - Austen, Jane (id=6131) Aylward, Gladys (id=3042) Aylward, Gladys (id=3044) Aylward, June (id=2915) Ayrton, Hertha (id=44) Pax Lodge - Baden-Powell, Olave (id=3866) Baden-Powell, Olave (id=1761) Bagnold, Enid - Thirkell, Angela (id=2413) Bagnold, Enid (id=48) Bagot, Millicent (id=6589) Baillie, Joanna (id=49) Baillie-Weaver, Gertrude (id=5243) Baker, Constance (id=6520) Baker, Hylda (id=2002) Baldock,Minnie - Inglis, Elsie (id=5941) Baldwin, Mrs Stanley (id=53) Balint, Michael - Balint, Enid (id=4297) Ball, Alice (id=4792) Bandler, Faith (id=3415) Mamo, Anthony - Buttigieg, Anton - Barbara, Agatha - Xuereb, Paul (id=8230) Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (id=1318) Barbirolli, Evelyn (id=58) Barclay, Irene (id=8464) Barker, Cicely Mary (id=1532) Barker, Louise - Barker, Danny (id=7478) Barnett, Henrietta (id=4211) Barnett, Henrietta (id=2545) Barnett, Henrietta - Barnett, Samuel (id=63) Barnett, Henrietta (id=3034) Baron, Elaine (id=8524) Barrett, Florence Elizabeth (id=6348) Barry, Geraldine Mary (id=6339) Bassey, Shirley (id=5196) Bawden, Nina (id=2795) Bayfield, Linda (id=5309) Baylis, Lilian (id=3516) Baylis, Lilian (id=1392) Baylis, Lilian (id=5470) Baylis, Lilian (id=2320) Beale, Mary (id=7030) Beatrice Dowager Lady Dimsdale - The Mission Limehouse (id=6948) Adelphi Terrace - Adam, John - Adam, Robert - Beauclerk, Topham - Beauclerk, Diana - Garrick, David - DOyly Carte, Richard - Hardy, Thomas - Shaw, George Bernard - Savage Club (id=2805) Beauclerk, Topham - Beauclerk, Diana (id=77) Beaufort, Margaret (id=3805) Beck, Diana (id=8749) Bedells, Phyllis (id=3506) Beeton, Mrs Isabella - Beeton, Samuel (id=3021) Beeton, Mrs Isabella (id=6733) Beeton, Mrs Isabella - Montagu, Elizabeth (id=5066) Bell, Carol (id=6467) Bell, Gertrude (id=4746) Bell, Natalie (id=3979) Bell, Natalie (id=2280) Bell, Vanessa - Grant, Duncan (id=7982) Belle, Dido Elisabeth (id=4238) Ben-Gurion, Paula (id=2524) Benazra, Malca (id=8384) Benn, Caroline DeCamp (id=94) Bergman-Osterberg, Martina (id=103) Berneri, Marie Louise (id=3586) Bernhardt, Sarah (id=5076) Besant, Annie - Match Girls Strike - Theosophical Society - Indian National Congress (id=1701) Besant, Annie (id=1443) Hanbury Hall - Wesley, John - Dickens, Charles - Besant, Annie - Marx, Eleanor (id=1728) Billig, Hannah (id=1631) Billinghurst Rosa May - Hinscliff, Claude (id=5951) Elwyn-Jones, Frederick - Binder, Polly (id=2567) Bingham, Susan (id=6816) Bjedov, Durdica (id=7911) Black, Cilla (id=5185) Blackie, Margery (id=116) Blackwell, Elizabeth - Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (id=118) Blake, Catherine (id=6151) Blake, William - Blake, Catherine (id=1950) Bland, Dorothy (Mrs Jordan) (id=2339) King William IV (Duke of Clarence) - Bland, Dorothy (Mrs Jordan) (id=1456) Blyton, Enid (id=2432) Blyton, Enid (id=1978) Blyton, Enid (id=2157) Blyton, Enid (id=1650) Blyton, Enid (id=7420) Grafton Hall - Bob Burgess and Doreen Freeman (id=5568) Bolan, June (id=4465) Anne Boleyns Well - Boleyn, Anne (id=3128) Bolton, Elizabeth (id=6344) Boney M, (Elizabeth Mitchell) (id=130) Bonham Carter, Violet (id=131) Booth, Catherine (id=1515) Booth, William - Booth, Catherine - Salvation Army (id=1322) Booth, Catherine (id=3229) Booth, Catherine Bramwell (id=4540) Boswell Sisters (id=7481) Boty, Pauline (id=7653) Bowen, Elizabeth (id=139) Boyd, Florence Nightingale (id=6345) Boyle, Helen (id=6351) Brabner, Rupert Arnold - Brabner, Jean Gwenneth (id=6092) Brittain, Vera - Holtby, Winifred (id=153) Brittain, Vera (id=154) Brlic-Mazuranic,  Ivana (id=7782) Brlic-Mazuranic, Ivana (id=7770) Broom, Christina (id=8460) Brown, Ann Dudin (id=5842) Brown, Josephine (id=6497) Browning,  Elizabeth Barrett (id=8555) Little Venice - Browning, Robert - Browning, Eizabeth Barrett - Byron, Lord - Ritchie, Anne Thackeray (id=7445) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (id=6720) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (id=162) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - Browning, Robert (id=161) Brownsword, Beryl (id=3959) Bruce, Esther (id=6694) Bryan, Dora (id=2551) Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6414) Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=3859) Burdett-Coutts & Townshend School - Townshend, Chauncy Hare - Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6666) Burdett-Coutts, Angela - Burdett-Coutts Drinking Fountain (id=4597) Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=4265) St Stephen with St John Westminster - Burdett-Coutts, Angela (id=6664) Burdett-Coutts Memorial Sundial - Burdett-Coutts, Angela  (id=6411) Burge, Bella (id=5464) Burne-Jones, Edward - Burne-Jones, Georgiana (id=2552) Burnett, Frances Hodgson (id=175) Burniston, Christabel (id=7087) Goossens, Leon - Burrowes, Leslie (id=6169) Buss, Frances Mary (id=178) Butler, Dawn (id=6197) Butler, Josephine (id=1555) Butt, Clara (id=179) Butt, Clara (id=2554) Byron, Lady (id=181) Caine, Marti (id=8164) Cairns, Eilidh (id=4431) Great Ormond Street Hospital - Callaghan, James - Callaghan, Audrey (id=5007) Great Ormond Street Hospital - Callaghan, James - Callaghan, Audrey (id=5008) Callas, Maria (id=2238) Callas, Maria (id=3736) Campbell, Judy (id=5343) Campbell, Mrs Patrick (id=4386) Cannon, Marie Elena (id=8530) Caroline Princess of Wales (id=2226) Carr, Emily (id=4139) Carr, Emily (id=4131) Carr-Gomm, Hubert - Carr-Gomm, Emily Blanche (id=2354) Carroll, Deborah (id=4736) Carter, Angela (id=4334) Casson, Hugh - Casson, Margaret (id=4377) Wren, Christopher - Catherine of Aragon (id=1219) Catherine of Aragon - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4883) Cattell, Louise (id=8429) Cavell, Edith (id=1282) Cavell, Edith (id=1890) Chadburn, Maud (id=6343) Chambers, Dorothy Lambert (id=204) Chaplin, Charlie - Chaplin, Oona (id=1898) Charles, Elizabeth Rundle (id=208) Charles, Ethel (id=6462) Chisholm, Caroline (id=215) Chodak-Gregory, Hazel (id=6342) Christie, Agatha (id=4348) Christie, Agatha (id=218) Christie, Agatha (id=219) Thomas, Dylan - Turner, J M W - Christie, Agatha - Sargent, John Singer - Whistler, James - Marley, Bob (id=2765) Christophe, Marie-Louise (id=6483) Churchill, Winston - Churchill, Clementine (id=2843) Clark, Mary Elizabeth Blanche (id=2499) Clarke, Emma (id=5687) Clarke, Joan (id=8437) Clarke, Mary Anne (id=6080) Clarke, Mary Anne (id=227) Clifford, Anne (id=6459) Clore Duffield, Vivien (id=2528) Clore Duffield, Vivien (id=2527) Cockburn, Jacqueline Theodora (id=3843) Cogan, Alma (id=240) Cogan, Alma (id=1905) Aubrey House - Grosvenor (1st Earl), Richard - Coke, Mary - Taylor, Peter - Taylor, Clementia - Alexander, William Cleverly (id=1831) Cole, Lily (id=6723) Colette (id=8380) Collins, Jose (id=6100) Compton-Burnett, Ivy (id=247) Conroy, Geraldine Campbell (id=6516) Cons, Emma (id=5397) Cons, Emma (id=249) Cons, Emma (id=2323) Cons, Emma (id=6729) Cooper, Ava June (id=8531) Cooper, Gladys (id=5927) Cooper, Gladys - Morley, Robert - Morley, Sheridan (id=8518) Cooper, Gladys Constance (id=4239) Cormeau, Yvonne (id=7727) Cosman, Milein - Keller, Hans (id=7444) Costa, Catherine Da (id=4236) Norbiton Hall - Taverner, Richard - Evelyn, George - Benn, Anthony - Countess of Liverpool (id=3141) Countess of Lovelace, Ada (id=6915) Countess of Lovelace, Ada (id=6718)  Countess of Lovelace, Ada (id=2) St Martins Gardens - Countess of Rosebery (Rothschild) (id=5043) War Seal Foundation - Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Countess of Wessex, Sophie (id=6137) Cox, Adelaide - Salvation Army Social Work (id=4538) Craddock, Fanny (id=2963) Craft, Ellen and William (id=6220) Craft, Ellen and William (id=6221) Craigen, Jesse - Blackburn, Helen (id=5934) Chipping Norton Recording Studios - Status Quo - XTC - Rafferty, Gerry - Duran Duran - Winwood, Steve - Craven, Beverley - Radiohead (id=8486) Crawford, Sadie (id=3134) Yeates, William Willson - Crayshaw, Rose Mary (id=4732) Creighton, Louise - Creighton, Mandell (Bishop of London) - Edwards, John Passmore - Acton Hospital (id=6053) Cresswell, Henrietta (id=2700) Crompton, Richmal (id=1657) Cruickshank, Irene Winifred (id=8534) Cullis, Winifred - Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine (id=6855) Dadds, Hannah (id=6480) Dagless, Mary Louise (id=5264) Dal Monte, Toti (id=7816) Banks, Joseph - Damer, Anne Seymour (id=6159) Dane, Clemence (id=3531) Daniel, Susan (id=5266) DArblay, Madame (Fanny Burney) (id=287) Darch, Winifred (id=6096) David, Elizabeth (id=1507) Davidson, Francis (Baroness Northchurch) (id=7366) Davies, Emily (id=5069) Davies, Emily (id=6730) Davison, Emily WIlding - Anderson, Louisa Garrett (id=5949) Davison, Emily Wilding (id=7717) Davison, Emily Wilding (id=3238) Dawson, Margaret Damer (id=292) de Morgan, William - de Morgan, Evelyn (id=302) de Rothschild, James - de Rothschild, Dorothy (id=5678) de Valois, Ninette (id=1615) Dearmer, Geoffrey - Dearmer, Margaret (id=3840) Delany, Mary - DArblay, Madame (Fanny Burney) - King George III - Queen Caroline (id=3659) Delille, Henriette (id=7513) Deller, Nell (id=3886) Despard, Charlotte - Reddish, Sarah (id=5935) Diana Princess of Wales (id=4583) King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Diana Princess of Wales (id=8190) Diana Princess of Wales (id=6213) Dickin, Maria (id=1286) Hitchcock Mosaics: Hitchcock and Dietrich - Dietrich, Marlene (id=4713) Dimoldenberg, Amelia (id=6199) Djanogly, Carol (id=6363) Doolittle, Hilda (HD) (id=334) Kauffer, Edward McKnight - Dorn, Marion (id=1837) Dors, Diana (id=2927) Dove, Evelyn (id=6722) Dove, Evelyn (id=7969) du Maurier, Daphne (id=340) du Pre, Jacqueline (id=4365) du Pre, Jacqueline (id=1668) du Pre, Jacqueline (id=5065) du Pre, Jacqueline (id=2814) du Pre, Jacqueline (id=344) du Pre, Jacqueline (id=6737) Queens Wood - Duchess of Albany (id=4275) Nightingale Hospital - Nightingale, Florence - Duchess of Albany (id=3879) National Windrush Monument - Watson, Basil - Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) - Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Middleton) (id=6966) Duchess of Gloucester - Notting Hill Housing Trust (id=6504) War Seal Foundation - Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation - Stoll, Oswald - Lord Harding of Petherton - Gibbs, Roland - Chapple, John - Lord Walker of Aldringham - Duchess of Gloucester (id=6138) Duchess of Kent (Princess Marina) (id=3794) London Wall Road - Duchess of Kent (Princess Marina) (id=5647) Duff, Peggy (id=346) Duffield, Vivien Clore  - Robey, Simon - Lord Sainsbury (id=6920) Duffield, Vivien Clore (id=6921) Dun, Elizabeth (id=4433) Duncan, Isadora (id=7814) Duncan, Isadora (id=7821) Earle, Genevieve Beavers (id=2902) McCartney, Paul - Eastman, Linda - The Bag ONails (id=5219) Eaton, Fanny (id=8572) Edwards, Amelia (id=353) Einstein, Albert (id=7822) Elgar, Caroline Alice - Elgar, Edward (id=2244) Eliot, George (id=363) Eliot, George (id=1361) Eliot, George (id=362) Elizabeth Countess of Home (id=5073) Elsie, Lily (id=5773) Empson, William - Empson, Hetta (id=3601) Engelhard Cromwell, Georgia (id=4014) Entwistle, Betty (id=8742) St Johns Lodge Garden - Evans, Anne Lydia (id=5244) Evans, Edith (id=3500) Evans, Edith (id=373) Everest, Barbara (id=1503) Fabian, Shoshana (id=2081) Fauguet, Anna (id=5255) Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (id=3166) Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (id=378) Fedorowicz, Helena (id=5826) Fell, Margaret - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5614) Fennell, Jean - Meisner, Sanford (id=8511) Fenwick, Ethel Gordon (id=7299) Nicholas II of Russia - Feodorovna, Alexandra - Faure, Félix - Alexander III of Russia (id=8358) Ferrier, Kathleen (id=382) Ferrier, Kathleen (id=7703) Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone - Gall, James (id=8666) Fields, Gracie (id=383) Gainsborough Film Studios - Hitchcock, Alfred - Balcon, Michael - Novello, Ivor - Fields, Gracie (id=1281) Prince of Wales Theatre - Fields, Gracie (id=3782) Fields, Gracie (id=5178) Fields, Gracie (id=1626) Fields, Gracie (id=3528) Fiennes, Celia (id=1284) Finn, Elizabeth - Distressed Gentlefolks Aid Association (id=1300) Firemen Plaque (Yvonne Green) (id=1498) First, Ruth - Slovo, Joe (id=388) Fitzgerald, Penelope (id=7749) Fitzherbert, Maria (id=2569) Fitzherbert, Maria (id=2568) Fletcher, Mary Bosanquet (id=4726) Adams, William Bridges - Flower, Sarah (id=6079) Fogg, Gertrude (id=398) Fontanne, Lynn (id=3065) Fonteyn, Margot - du Pre, Jacqueline (id=2910) Fonteyn, Margot (id=1843) Fonteyn, Margot (id=6251) Ford, Isabella - Ashton, Margaret (id=5937) Fotheringham, Priss (id=2089) Frank, Anne (id=6153) Frank, Anne (id=6155) Frankau, Arthur - Frankau, Julia (id=5841) Franklin, Gretchen (id=8543) Franklin, Henrietta - Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline - Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick (id=5946) Franklin, Miles (id=3425) Franklin, Rosalind - Gosling, R G - Wilson, H R - Wilkins M H F - Stokes, A R (id=414) Franklin, Rosalind (id=5442) Franklin, Rosalind - Siddiq Tulip - Baroness Susan Garden of Frognal (id=7273) Franklin, Rosalind - Gosling, R G - Wilson, H R - Wilkins M H F - Stokes, A R (id=413) Franklin, Rosalind (id=415) Freud, Anna (id=420) Hoffenberg, Raymond - Frink, Elisabeth (id=8145) Fry, Elizabeth - Quakers (Society of Friends) (id=5622) Fry, Elizabeth (id=425) Fry, Elizabeth (id=4455) Elizabeth Fry Refuge - Fry, Elizabeth (id=1285) Furness, Thelma (id=7228) Furse, Katherine (id=3248) Gaitskell, Baroness Dora - McNeal, Julia (id=6426) Galizia, Daphne Caruana (id=8212) Gandhi, Indira - Nehru, Jawaharlal (id=5600) Gardner, Ava (id=2342) Garland, Judy (id=6728) Garland, Judy (id=5198) Garner, Sue (id=8590) Garrud, Edith (id=440) Garside, Mair (id=3797) Garth, Susan (id=441) Garthwaite, Anna Maria (id=1639) Garvey, Amy Ashwood (id=442) Garwood, Dorothea Elsa (id=6352) Gaskell, Mrs (id=443) Gellhorn, Martha (id=4263) Geun-Hye, Park - Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) - Duke of Gloucester - Byung-se, Yun (id=7242) Gibbons, Stella (id=4266) Gibbs, May (id=3435) Gibson, Anna - Cromwell, Richard (id=4986) Gill, Madge (id=2989) Gillan, Minnie (id=4069) Gillick, Mary - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8501) Gilmore, Mary (id=3433) Boswell, Levi - Gipsy (Gypsy) Lee (id=7723) Gish, Sheila (id=8505) Gluckel of Hameln (id=7857) Godden, Rumer (id=4240) Godfree, Kathleen - Godfree, Leslie (id=7220) Godfree, Kathleen (id=1804) Goldie, Grace Wyndham (id=7046) Goldman, Emma (id=3569) Goodey, Fritha (id=8517) Gould, Elizabeth (id=7120) Granville (Krystyna Skarbek), Christine (id=5635) Granville (Krystyna Skarbek), Christine (id=5637) Rix Brian - Gray, Elspet (id=3522) Greenaway, Kate (id=471) Greenaway, Kate (id=1280) Greenaway, Kate (id=2728) Lord Greenwood of Rossendale - Greenwood, Lady Gillian (id=5836) Greer, Germaine (id=3408) Gregory, Caroline Bousfield (id=7048) Grenfell, Joyce (id=3965) Grenfell, Joyce (id=472) Groce, Cherry Dorothy (id=4339) Gunn, Martha (id=2573) Guppy, Sarah (id=6461) Whitecross Debtors Prison - Gwynne, Nell (id=2092) Gwynne, Nell (id=5330) Gwynne, Nell (id=481) Gwynne, Nell (id=4235) Nell Gwynne Tavern - Gwynne, Nell (id=4316) Gwynne-Vaughan, Helen (id=5573) Hadid, Zara (id=6468) Hagedorn, Elisabeth (id=483) Hale, Crystal - Islington Boat Club (id=5289) Hale, Crystal (id=484) Hall, Adelaide (id=8440) Hall, Radclyffe (id=489) Wilde, Oscar - Hambling, Maggi (id=6513) Hamilton, Emma (id=4418) Hammond, J L - Hammond, Barbara (id=491) Handl, Irene (id=6809) Handley Page, Frederick (id=7085) Hanff, Helene - Marks  & Co (id=2272) Harmsworth, Mary (Viscountess Rothermere) (id=7399) Harmsworth, Patricia (Viscountess Rothermere) (id=7396) Harper, Phyllis (id=4243) Harris, Naomie (id=6717) Harvey, Lilian (id=2685) Haslam, Anna - Elmy, Elizabeth Wolstenholme (id=5933) Haslam, Ethel (id=6091) Haslett, Caroline (id=6464) Hawkins, Jack - Hawkins, Doreen (id=3497) Hayes-Mojon, Daphne - Barnes, Brian (id=6673) Heine, Marie Alice - Prince Albert of Monaco (id=7510) Hensman, Celia (id=8476) Hepworth, Barbara - Skeaping, John (id=5672) Hess, Myra (id=520) Hess, Myra (id=7136) Hewett, Dorothy (id=3405) Hewlett, Hilda (id=4359) Heyer, Georgette (id=1558) Heyhoe Flint, Rachel (id=7240) Paton, Joseph Noel - Hill, Amelia Robertson (id=8664) Hill, Octavia (id=2296) Hill, Octavia (id=523) Hill, Octavia (id=6714) Hill, Octavia (id=2297) Hill, Octavia (id=2295) Hird, Thora (id=8156) Hird, Thora (id=1997) Hird, Thora (id=6248) Hiscock, Eric and Susan (id=4106)  (id=) Hogarth, Mary Scott - Dickens, Charles (id=5994) Hogg, Quintin - Quintin and Alice Hogg Memorial - Hogg, Alice (id=5061) Holmes, Kelly (id=5469) Homem, Maria Aurora Carvalho (id=6892) Hooper, Angela (id=8723) Hooper, Angela (id=3817) de San Martin, Jose - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Menem, Eduardo - Hooper, Angela - Hurd, Douglas - Campora, Mario (id=6690) Hortense Mancini (Duchess of Mazarin) - Archbishop Herring - Talleyrand, Charles (id=4385) Hoskins, Sophie (id=4497) How-Martyn, Edith - Singh, Sophia Duleep (id=5952) Hozier, Clementine (Churchill) (id=545) Hubback, Eva (id=2325) Hughes, Mary (id=1723) McQueen, Alexander - Humble, Yvonne (id=7659) Huntley, Eric - Huntley, Jessica - Bogle-LOuverture Publications (id=5684) Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquess of Worcester - Hyde, Anne - King James II (Duke of York) (id=2866) Inglis, Elsie Maud - Mestrovic, Ivan (id=8667) Jackson, Glenda (id=7238) West Brompton Station - Jackson, Glenda (id=3941) Jackson, Mahalia (id=7522) Jacques, Hattie (id=3518) Jacques, Hattie (id=1943) James, P D (id=4982) Janner, Barnett - Janner, Elsie (id=5673) Jarrett, Cynthia (id=4323) Jean-Baptiste, Marianne (id=2428) Jelic, Matea (id=7860) Jex-Blake, Sophia (id=6336) Johnson, Amy (id=6465) Johnson, Amy (id=587) Johnson, Anna Dagny (id=7171) Johnson, Celia (id=1800) Johnson, Janet (id=2298) Johnson, Pamela Hansford (id=7718) Jones, Claudia (id=7661) Jones, Claudia (id=591) Jones, Claudia (id=2018) Townshend, Pete - Jones, Norah - La Zona Rosa (id=7562) Van Gogh, Vincent - Jones., Claudia (id=4344) Joplin, Janis (id=7737) Jowell, Tessa - Horniman Museum (id=7163) Jowell, Tessa (id=4569) Karsavina, Tamara (id=3509) Karsavina, Tamara (id=597) Kaur, Jind - Singh, Duleep - Singh, Ranjit (id=6677) Keen, Florence (id=3969) Keen, Florence (Manor Gardens) (id=2850) Keene, Mary Frances Lucas (id=6341) Kelland, Eve (Louise Kay) - Espinosa, Edouard (id=2931) Kelly, Jude (id=2300) Kemp-Welch, Lucy (id=3714) Kendall, Kay (id=5742) Kendall, Marie (id=1380) Kennedy, Lena (id=2970) Kenney, Annie - Macarthur, Mary (id=5955) Kerrison, Edith (id=4589) Keyes, Frances Parkinson (id=7509) Khan, Noor Inayat (id=5571) Khan, Noor Inayat (id=6365) King, Martin Luther - King, Coretta Scott (id=8594) King, Hetty (id=4496) Kingsley, Mary (id=609) Kitt, Eartha (id=8132) Klein, Melanie (id=613) Knight, Anne (id=2214) Knight, Betty (id=2793) Knight, Laura - Knight, Harold (id=614) Kolb, Annette (id=8421) Kostelic, Janica (id=7796) St Matthews Church - Lady Barrow (id=6503) Emanuel Hospital - Lady Dacre - Emanuel School (id=3818) Merton Place - Nelson, Horatio - Lady Emma Hamilton (id=3103) King Charles II - Cibber, Caius Gabriel - Lady Gilbert (id=5155) Lady Ludlow (Blanche Holden) - Lord Ludlow (Henry Lopes) - King Henry VI - Astley, Joanna (id=6974) Lady MacRobert (id=6762) Number 1 Poultry - Lady Mary Stirling (wife) (id=7334) Lady Reading (Stella Isaacs) - Womens Voluntary Services (id=2401) Lady Wallace - Lebourg, Charles Auguste (id=8455) Lamb, Charles - Lamb, Mary (id=1932) Lambert, Constant (id=3508) Lambert, Verity (id=8131) Langtry, Lillie (id=627) Langtry, Lillie (id=628) Lansbury, Minnie (id=1706) Lansbury, Minnie - Lansbury, George - Mansell-Moulin, Edith (id=5940) Laslett-OBrien, Rhaune (id=630) Lawrence, Susan (id=6471) Lawrence, Susan (id=636) Le Tac, Yvonne (id=8409) Wall of the Ancestors - Lee, Debra (id=4876) Bevan, Aneurin (Nye) - Lee, Jennie (id=1311) Lee, Mary (id=3373) Leigh, Vivien (id=3707) Leigh, Vivien (id=643) St Jamess Theatre - Leigh, Vivien - Olivier, Laurence - Alexander, George (id=3776) Leigh, Vivien (id=5466) Leigh, Vivien (id=3514) Leighton, Margaret (id=3527) Lelas, Zana (id=7889) Leslie, Inez (id=4308) Lester, Muriel - Lester, Doris (id=6071) Levitt, Dorothy (id=4735) Lewis, Ada (id=3549) Lewis, Edmonia (id=8567) Lidiard, Victoria (id=2595) Liebenthal, Tertia - Murray, Diona (id=8677) Lind, Jenny (id=660) Lindsay, Lilian (id=661) Ling, Ruth (id=4447) Littlewood, Joan (id=4590) Lloyd, Alice (id=3243) Empire Theatre Penge - Sprague W. G. R. - Lloyd, Marie (id=6750) Lloyd, Marie (id=6249) Lloyd, Marie (id=5208) Lloyd, Marie (id=2083) Eagle Tavern - Lloyd, Marie (id=1275) Lloyd, Marie (id=5846) Lloyd, Marie (id=3515) Lloyd, Marie (id=1334) Lloyd-Williams, Katharine Georgina (id=6347) Lockwood, Margaret (id=3665) Lonsdale, Kathleen (id=6021) Loudon, John - Loudon, Jane (id=672) Loveday-Stanfield, Ruth (id=5474) Low, Katherine Mackay (id=2149) Lowndes, Mary - Balfour, Lady Frances (id=5938) Bell House - Wright, Thomas - Harding, Anthony - Widdowson, George - Lucas, Nan - Lutyens, Edwin (id=6535) Lupino Ida (id=4681) Thackeray,  William Makepeace - Lynn, Vera (id=6470) Lynn, Vera (id=5194) Lynn, Vera (id=4632) Lyttelton, Laura (id=5597) Macarthur, Mary (id=2082) Macaulay, Rose (id=679) MacColl, Kirsty (id=8070) MacColl, Kirsty (id=5378) MacDonald, Constance (id=8571) Mackintosh, Rennie - Macdonald, Margaret (id=4604) Mackellar, Dorothea (id=3395) MacMillan, Chrystal - Rathbone, Eleanor (id=5948) Mrs Macquaries Chair - Macquarie, Elizabeth  (id=3453) Maggies Corner (id=690) Mallet, Mrs (id=2302) Mann, Ida (id=695) Mansfield, Jayne (id=1266) Mansfield, Katherine - Murry, John Middleton (id=698) Marino, Patricia (id=4704) Mark, Connie (id=2173) Marks, Margret (id=6698) Marow, Lady Mary (id=7015) Marsh, Caroline (id=5972) Marshall, Catherine - Gawthorpe, Mary (id=5956) Marshall, Sybil - Oakeshott, Ewart (id=2500) Marson, Una (id=2427) Martineau, Caroline (id=2328) Marx, Eleanor (id=1450) Marx, Enid (id=6651) Military Surgeons Edinburgh Memorial - Mary Queen of Scots (id=8685) Preston, Simon - Mary Queen of Scots (id=8626) Matters, Muriel (id=8558) Matthews, Jesse (id=714) Maunder Walter - Maunder, Annie (id=6605) McCall, Annie (id=6350) McCall, Annie - Thomas, Edward (id=4345) McCall, Annie (id=2305) McCall, Davina (id=4536) McCarthy, Maud (id=728) McCormick, Donna Beth (id=7643) McDonald, Pat (id=4430) McLaren, Priscilla Bright - McLaren, Eva - Cobbe, Frances Power (id=5945) McMillan, Margaret - McMillan, Rachel (id=1563) McMillan, Rachel - McMillan, Margaret (id=1654) McNish, Anthea (id=8578) Melba, Nellie (id=1982) Marconi, Guglielmo - Melba, Nellie (id=2223) Melba, Nellie (id=3287) Mellon, Harriot (id=2587) Mellon, Harriot (id=4267) Bachelors Acre Town Green - Mellor, Doris (id=3654) Mellor, Margaret (id=2306) Merry, Isla (id=4244) Wall of the Ancestors - Metrina (id=4891) Mew, Charlotte (id=1936) Meynell, Alice (id=741) Michel, Louise (id=3588) Middleton, Catherine (Duchess of Cambridge) - V&A Photography Centre (id=7124) Christie, John - Mildmay, Audrey (id=7657) Miller, Lee - Penrose, Roland (id=747) Millington, Mary - Come Play With Me (id=3773) Mills, Gladys (id=6094) Mills, John - Mills, Hayley (id=3703) Miss Rose (id=753) Mitchell, Roma (id=3378) Mitchison, Naomi - Forrest, Archibald (id=8679) Mitford, Nancy (id=754) Molly Marine (id=7640) Mond, Helen Edith (id=7006) Montefiore, Dora - Osler, Catherine Courtauld (id=5936) Montseny, Federica (id=3567) Moore, Jocelyn (id=6346) Wyndham, Charles - Moore, Mary - Noel Coward Theatre - Albery, Ian (id=7688) Wyndham, Charles - Moore, Mary - Noel Coward Theatre (id=7687) Wyndhams Theatre - Moore, Mary - Wyndham, Charles - Sprague, W. G. R. (id=7973) Moran, Zena (id=6608) Morrell, Ottoline (id=768) Morris, Olive (id=6655) Morris, Olive (id=8600) Morris, Olive (id=8586) Morris, Samuel and Anna - Stepney Jewish Community Centre (id=6325) Moses, Miriam (id=1638) Moss, Sabrina (id=5176) Mother Teresa (id=8058) Mott, Helena Pare Lydia (id=2107) Mouhot, Henri (id=6734) Mountbatten of Burma, Earl - Mountbatten, Edwina  (id=772) Mrs Coborns Charity School (id=4574) St Marylebone Parish Church - Mrs Gladstone (id=5082) Muir, Jean (id=6129) Murray, Emily (id=3793) Murrell, Christine (id=3878) Naisbett, Elsie (id=4347) Cobden, Richard - Napoleon III (id=8463) Neagle, Anna - Wilcox, Herbert (id=2592) Neagle, Anna - Wilcox, Herbert (id=1402) Esperance Bridge - Esperance Club - Neal, Mary - Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline (id=6482) Necker, Germaine (Baronne de Stael-Holstein) (id=785) Pinner House - King Charles II - Nell Gwynne (id=3020) Nesbit, Edith (id=1567) Arnold, John - Nesbit, Edith (id=1984) Nesbitt, Cathleen (id=8533) Nevill, Dorothy (id=789) Newton, Annie (id=5070) Nichols, Mary Ann Polly (id=7433) Nightingale, Florence (id=6404) Nightingale, Florence (id=4791) Nightingale, Florence (id=800) Nightingale, Florence (id=8747) Nightingale, Florence (id=7084) Nightingale, Florence (id=5502) Nightingale, Florence (id=6496) Nightingale, Florence (id=2414) Nightingale, Florence (id=799) Nivedita, Sister (Margaret Noble) (id=2653) Noakes, Michael - Noakes, Vivien (id=802) Nobrega, Cecile (Bronze Woman) (id=5694) Nobrega, Cecile (Bronze Woman) (id=4342) Normanton, Helena (id=6254) Norton, Caroline (id=6027) OReilly, Anne Winifrede (id=3638) Obstoj, Jeannette-Therese (id=5480) Oldfield, Ann (id=811) Olein, Marjorie (id=6668) Oliphant, Margaret (id=3657) Ormerod, Eleanor Anne (id=8736) Ossington, Charlotte - Lucy Lady Howard de Walden (id=5087) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=5455) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=5435) Overie (Overy), Mary (id=7168) Owen, Karen (id=6864) Page, Dame Mary - Page, Gregory (id=7428) Palmer, Lilli (id=5975) The International Hall of Residence - Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi (id=8092) Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=7649) Pankhurst Memorial - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3689) Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3183) Suffragettes, The - Pankhurst, Emmeline - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline (id=1075) Pankhurst, Emmeline - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Sylvia (id=6973) Pankhurst, Emmeline - Pankhurst, Christabel (id=831) Pankhurst Memorial - Pankhurst, Emmeline (id=3688) Pankhurst, Emmeline - Pankhurst, Sylvia - Pankhurst, Christabel - Pankhurst, Adela - Selborne, Maud (id=5939) King, Ledley - Pankhurst, Sylvia (id=4556) Gunmakers Arms Pub - Pankhurst, Sylvia (id=3206) Pankhurst, Sylvia (id=3066) Pankhurst, Sylvia (id=832) East London Federation of the Suffragettes - Pankhurst, Sylvia - Smyth, Norah (id=4578) Pankhurst, Sylvia (id=1713) Park, Dorothy Bruce (id=2982) Park, Ruth (id=3440) Chelsea Childrens Hospital - King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) (id=7005) King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) - King George V (id=6208) Chinese Lions - Duke of Gloucester - King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) (id=5214) Parsons, Daisy (id=4585) Parsons, Lucy (id=3587) Parun, Vesna (id=7781) The Over-Seas League - Patricia Knatchbull (2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma) (id=3775) Paul, Ambika (id=7292) Paul, Ambika - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=5206) Paul, Aruna - Paul, Lord Swraj (id=7077) Paul, Lord Swraj - Paul, Aruna (id=7295) Pavlova, Anna (id=7706) Pavlova, Anna (id=843) Pearsall, Phyllis - Caine, Michael - Mason, Barry (id=4921) Pearsall, Phyllis (id=2433) Perry, Alice (id=6463) Pesotta, Rose (id=3578) Pierce, Elsie Louisa (id=3711) Plath, Sylvia (id=876) Pocahontas (id=3200) Pochin, Agnes - Becker, Lydia (id=5944) Police Plaque-Fletcher, Yvonne (id=2816) Police Plaque-Mackay, Nina (id=1509) Tolpuddle Martyrs - Pontecorvo, Lisa (id=5247) Pontecorvo, Lisa (id=5249) Pontecorvo, Lisa  (id=5248) Potter, Beatrix (id=2761) Powell, Dilys (id=3716) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) (id=8225) Prince, Mary (id=2023) Princess Alexandra - Leysian Centre (id=8185) Burlington Arcade - Princess Alexandra (id=5598) Princess Alexandra - Winston, Ruth (id=6854) Golden Jubilee Bridges - Princess Alexandra (id=8582) Princess Anne (id=6097) Princess Anne - British Knitting and Clothing Export Council  (id=8474) Princess Anne - University of London External System (id=7144) Firemens National Memorial - Princess Anne - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=7082) London Bridge Station - Princess Anne (id=6214) Katz, Bernard - Princess Anne (id=7985) Royal Coburg Theatre - Prince of Saxe-Coburg (Leopold I of Belgium) - Princess Charlotte of Wales (id=5398) Princess Christian (id=4542) Parish Hall St Marys - Princess Christian (id=5121) Princess Christian - Queen Victoria (id=5780) Princess Consort of Thailand (Suvadhana) (id=2598) Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes - King George V - Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyle) (id=6965) Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyle) - Hill, Philip E (id=3974) Princess Louise Kensington Battalion - Princess Louise (Duchess of Argyle) (id=7259) Princess Margaret - Hampstead Garden Suburb (id=4210) Royal Free Hospital - Princess Margaret (id=6329) Princess Margaret (id=6049) Barrie, J M - Peter Pan - Princess Margaret (id=3756) Princess Margaret (id=6434) Bond Street - Princess Margaret (id=5221) Princess Mary (Viscount Lascelles) (id=3834) Mothers Union - Princess Mary (Viscount Lascelles) (id=3824) Princess Mary (Viscount Lascelles) (id=3811) Brummell, Beau - Princess Michael of Kent (id=7303) Princess Sissi (id=6873) Messai, Ras Andargachew - Princess Tenagnework Haile Selassie (id=6028) Punter, Vivien (id=5258) Quant, Mary (id=4282) King Edward VII - Queem Alexandra (id=8223) King William IV - Queen Adelaide (id=2614) King William IV Naval Asylum - Hardwick, Philip - Queen Adelaide (id=6754) Queen Adelaide (id=3355) King Edward VII - Queen Alexandra - Kew Bridge (id=6797) Queen Alexandra of Denmark - Royal London Hospital - Finsen Light Cure (id=5869) Queen Anne (id=6969) Queen Anne - St Pauls Cathedral - Bird, Francis (id=7325) Queen Anne - Hamilton, George (Duke of Orkney) (id=7416) Queen Anne - Queen Charlotte - King George III (id=8589) Queen Anne - Hanson, Reginald (id=7326) Queen Beatrix - The Seven Dials Sundial (id=6277) Queen Beatrix - Anglo-Dutch friendship (id=5803) Queen Caroline (id=1811) Montague House - Queen Caroline (id=2111) King George III - Queen Charlotte - Whitbread, Samuel (id=2775) Eleanor Cross - Queen Eleanor (id=3185) Queen Elizabeth I (id=1617) Richmond Palace (Asgill House) - King Henry I - King Edward III - King Henry VII - Queen Elizabeth I (id=3539) Bingham, John - Queen Elizabeth I - King James I (id=8177) Queen Elizabeth I - St. Dunstan-in-the-West - Gosling, Francis (id=7321) King Charles I - King James II (Duke of York) - Henry Duke of Gloucester - Queen Elizabeth I (id=3543) King Henry VIII - Queen Elizabeth I - King George I - Queen Victoria - King George V - Queen Elizabeth II - St Marys Church Wimbledon (id=7223) Queen Elizabeth I - King Henry VIII - Boleyn, Anne - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5373) Queen Elizabeth I (id=7668) Richmond Palace - King Henry VII - King Henry VIII - Queen Elizabeth I (id=3541) Queen Elizabeth I (id=7331) Queen Elizabeth I - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4880) Siege Bell War Memorial - Tabone, Censu - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8205) Piccadilly Restoration - Queen Elizabeth II - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) - Middleton, Catherine (Duchess of Cambridge) (id=4362) St Brides Church rededication - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Henry Campbell Lord Bishop of London - Allen, Walter Godfrey - Wren, Christopher (id=7355) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Edward (Earl of Wessex) (id=4928) Queen Elizabeth II - Henry Campbell Lord Bishop of London - Geoffrey Fisher Archbishop of Canterbury - Cullum Welch Lord Mayor (id=7281) Queen Elizabeth II - Marylebone precinct (id=5120) Great Ormond Street Hospital - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5004) Francis Crick Institute - Crick, Francis - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) (id=7053) Queen Elizabeth II -  Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Barbican Arts Centre (id=5644) Queens Walk - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5532) Queen Elizabeth II - Queen Elizabeth Hall (id=7436) Canada Place - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Trudeau, Pierre (id=3993) Queen Elizabeth II - Parker Bowles, Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) - Middleton, Catherine (Duchess of Cambridge) (id=7125) Queens Gallery - Queen Elizabeth II (id=7999) Queen Elizabeth II (id=6110) Charlton House Mulberry Tree - Queen Elizabeth II (id=4964) Silver Jubilee Crystal Crown  - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6939) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) (id=7622) Gozitan War Memorial - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8275) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3810) Elizabeth Line - Queen Elizabeth II (id=7446) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth II - de Montfort, Simon - King Henry III (id=6578) Queen Elizabeth II - Flavel, Peter (id=7106) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of  Edinburgh) (id=7972) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3385) Dovehouse Green - Queen Elizabeth II (id=2928) Queen Elizabeth II - Supreme Court (id=8110) Queen Elizabeth II - Queen Beatrix - King William III - Queen Mary II (id=3555) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6576) Jubilee Gardens - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5392) Queen Elizabeth II (id=896) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) - Luton Hoo (id=6119) Bomber Command - Queen Elizabeth II (id=4981) The Victoria Hall - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8494) St Thomas Syriac Cathedral Acton - King Charles III (Prince Charles) - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8573) Coronation tree - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5325) HS1 (High Speed One) - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) (id=4454) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of  Edinburgh) (id=3343) Scottish National Portrait Gallery - Salmond, Alex - Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) (id=8663) Queen Elizabeth II - National Theatre (id=3976) Diamond Jubilee - Queen Elizabeth II (id=4473) Queen Elizabeth II - City Temple Holborn (id=5851) Diamond Jubilee Walk - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6695) The National Police Memorial - Queen Elizabeth II - Foster, Norman - Winner, Michael (id=7992) Queen Elizabeth II (id=6240) Kings College Hospital - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8451) Silver Jubilee Walkway - Queen Elizabeth II (id=4775) Silver Jubilee Crystal Crown - Fleischmann, Arthur - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6938) Queen Elizabeth II (id=7118) Valletta Commnwealth Walkway - Queen Elizabeth II (id=8284) Queen Elizabeth II (id=5171) Queen Elizabeth II - Royal Air Force Museum (id=6763) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3729) Queen Elizabeth II (id=8441) Queen Elizabeth II - Royal Free Hospital (id=6353) Royal College of Physicians - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5030) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6579) Queen Elizabeth II (id=7105) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Henry (Duke of Gloucester) - Curteis, Gerald (id=7971) Queen Elizabeth II (id=3356) Queen Elizabeth II (id=6984) Queen Elizabeth II - Princess Alexandra - Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) - Duchess of Cambridge (Catherine Middleton) (id=4333) Royal Brompton Hospital - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6369) Jubilee Gardens - Queen Elizabeth II (id=5391) Burdett-Coutts & Townshend School - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6665) Queen Elizabeth II - Duchess of Gloucester (id=8502) Queen Elizabeth II - Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) (id=6390) British War Relief Society - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=5088) Lions Gate Bridge - King George VI - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=4162) King George VI - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=6963) Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother - St Marys Hospital (id=6282) London Fire Brigade - King George VI - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=5499) Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - Firemen Plaque (Yvonne Green) (id=6168) Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=3875) St Mary Le Bow Church - Wren, Christopher - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6211) King George VI - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=6972) Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - Guy, Thomas (id=5418) Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6050) Westminster Hall - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6570) King George VI - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=6671) Hill, Roderick - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (id=3897) Queen Emma of Hawaii - Tolutau, Viliami (id=8710) Queen Marys Home for St. Bartholomews Nurses - Queen Mary (id=7058) Lloyds of London - King George V - Queen Mary (id=5854) Lambeth Bridge - King George V - Queen Mary (id=6967) May Fair Hotel - King George V - Queen Mary (id=5222) Westminster Hall - Queen Mary (id=6572) Garden of Remembrance Christ Apostolic Church - Queen Mary - King George VI (id=3888) Queen Mary - Westminster Polytechnic - Studd, Kynaston - Hogg, Quintin (id=8066) Queen Mary - John Astor House (id=7152) Queen Mary - Marlborough House (id=3777) Isleden House - London Parochial Charities - Queen Mary (id=5268) King George V - Queen Mary (id=2943) King George V - Queen Mary (id=8224) King George V - Queen Mary - County Hall (id=8082) Moorfields Eye Hospital - King George V - Queen Mary II (id=5368) King Harold V of Norway - Queen Sonja of Norway (id=4639) Queen Victoria (id=4172) Queen Victoria (id=7157) Queen Victoria (id=3832) Queen Victoria - Princess Christian (id=6857) Queen Victoria (id=1492) Homer - Shakespeare, William - Queen Victoria - Milton, John - Old Bermondsey Library (id=4938) Queen VIctoria - Chaucer, Geoffrey - Temple Bar (id=7318) Queen Victoria - Worshipful Company of Mercers - St Thomas Hospital (id=6395) Tower Bridge - Queen Victoria - King Edward VII - Barry, John Wolfe - Tyler, George (id=6791) Queen Victoria - Fox and Crown (id=3855) Lewisham Clock Tower - Queen Victoria (id=4946) Queen Victoria (id=5233) Queen Victoria (id=5136) Queen Victoria (id=4669) Queen Victoria (id=4129) Moorfields Eye Hospital - King Edward VII - Queen Victoria (id=5367) Queen Victoria (id=3457) Queen Victoria (id=7329) Queen Victoria - Musgrove, John (id=6396) Queen Victoria (id=8216) Queen Victoria (id=5656) Dragon boundary mark City of London West - Queen Victoria (id=4220) Prince Alfred - Queen Victoria (id=8226) Queen Victoria (id=5220) Blackwall Tunnel - Queen Victoria - King Edward VII (id=6823) The Victoria Hall - Queen Victoria (id=8495) Queen Victoria (id=5090) Queen Victoria (id=7662) Queen Wilhelmina (id=2838) Oranjehaven - Queen Wilhelmina (id=1195) Rabbatts, Heather (id=2308) Rabinowicz, Harry - Rabinowicz, Bella (id=5721) Rambert, Marie (id=3507) Rambert, Marie (id=904) Rambert, Marie (id=905) Worshipful Company of Haberdashers - Ramsey, Michael (id=7282) Rathbone, Eleanor (id=1414) Rathbone, Eleanor (id=908) Ratray, Mary Gray (id=4432) Reardon, Helen (id=4977) Reibey, Mary (id=3392) Reichardt, Carrie (id=6624) Reid, Beryl (id=8513) Reid, Elizabeth Jesser - Bedford College (id=915) Remond, Sarah Parker (id=7007) Renaud, Madeleine - Barrault, Jean-Louis (id=8401) Msida Bastion - Reynolds, Fiona - Dimech, Francis Zammit (id=8296) Rhys, Jean (id=918) Richard, Wendy (id=920) Richards, Anne - Richards, Frederick (id=4668) Richardson, Dorothy (id=921) Richardson, Henry Handel (id=3396) Riddell, Charlotte Eliza Lawson (id=1926) Rie, Lucie (id=925) Rigby, Eleanor (Beatles) (id=1899) Ritblat, John - Ritblat, Jill (id=7443) Roberts, Nelly (id=7044) Robinson, Joan (id=8179) Robson, Flora (id=3048) Robson, Flora (id=2601) Roebling, Emily Warren - Brooklyn Bridge (id=2894) Roesia of Dover - Richard de Luci - Lesnes Abbey (id=2333) Rogers, Lydia (id=5816) Rolls, Georgina (Lady Llangattock) (id=663) Rolls, Georgina (Lady Llangattock) - Camberwell Public Baths - Rolls, John  (1st Baron Llangattock) (id=7060) Roman Girl (id=4754) Rooks, Angela (id=8535) Roosevelt, Franklin Delano - Roosevelt, Eleanor (id=4080) Roper, Esther - Gore-Booth, Eva - Chew, Ada Nield (id=5947) Ross, Betsy (id=7631) Ross, Betsy - Kent, A Atwater (id=7630) Ross, Betsy (id=7629) Rossetti, Christina (id=4247) Rossetti, Christina Georgina (id=941) Rothschild, Charlotte de (id=6549) Rothschild, Constance de - Queen Victoria - Edwards, John Passmore - Acton Hospital (id=6052) Rothschild, Dorothy - Rothschild, James (id=5450) Rothschild, Emma Louisa (id=6543) Evelina Childrens Hospital  - Rothschild, Evelina - Rothschild, Ferdinand de - Farre, Arthur (id=5436) Rothschild, Hannah (Countess of Rosebery) (id=5444) Rothschild, Hannah (Countess of Rosebery) (id=5443) Rothschild, Leonora de (id=6547) Rothschild, Marie de (id=6545) Housman, Laurence - Roy, P L (id=5943) Royden, Agnes Maude - Billington-Greig, Teresa (id=5953) Rundle, Dorothea (id=8536) Rutherford, Margaret (id=3523) Rutherford, Margaret (id=1357) Rutherford, Margaret - Sim, Alastair (id=3694) Rutherford, Margaret (id=1561) Nicolson, Harold - Sackville-West, Vita  (id=798) Safra, Edmond - Safra, Lily (id=7724) Salaman, Nina (id=7856) Salter, Ada (id=4644) Salter, Ada (id=7169) Salter, Alfred - Salter, Ada (id=4647) Sampson, Miriam Rivka (id=8559) Samuel, Viscountess  Beatrice (id=4425) Saunders, Cicely - Boonham, Nigel (id=8147) Savage, Valerie (id=8071) Saye, Khadija (id=5361) Sayers, Dorothy L (id=981) Schmolka, Marie (id=6039) Schreiner, Olive (id=983) Schwitzer, Joan (id=4246) Scott, Jean (id=4208) Scurr, Julia - Robinson, Annot (id=5950) Seacole, Mary (id=5501) Seacole, Mary (id=2334) Seacole, Mary (id=990) Turing, Alan - Seacole, Mary - Bond, Michael (id=4398) Seacole, Mary (id=6731) Seacole, Mary (id=5068) Seacole, Mary (id=2309) Seacole, Mary (id=989) Marques, Wayne - Sharp, Evelyn - Doorkins the Cat - Southwark Cathedral Corbels (id=7349) Sharpe, Matilda (id=4237) Sharpley, Anne (id=5242) Sheehy-Skeffington, Hanna - Drummond, Flora (id=5954) Shelley, Mary (id=1000) Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Shelley, Mary (id=3107) Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Shelley, Mary (id=3220) Shelton, Anne (id=3133) Sherlock, Sheila (id=2085) Siddal, Elizabeth (id=4242) Siddons, Sarah (id=5072) Siddons, Sarah (id=3750) Siddons, Sarah (id=4417) Signoret, Simone - Montand, Yves (id=8397) Silva, Maria Helena Vieira da (id=8054) Silvera, Carmen (id=8547) Linnell, John  - Silvy, Camille (id=4293) Sims, Joan (id=1015) Sinden, Lady Diana (id=8539) Singh, Sophia Duleep (id=7667) Sisters of St. Ann (id=4079) Sitwell, Edith (id=1016) Skene, Felicia (id=1019) Sklodowska-Curie, Marie (id=4793) Skryzypiec, Adrianna (id=5565) Small, Millie (id=8566) Smith, Dodie (id=3172) Smith, Dodie (id=5064) Smith, Irene (Enfield Preservation Society) (id=3058) Smith, Mary Harris (id=6946) Smith, Stevie (id=1930) Somerset, Isabella (Henry) - Loyal Temperance Legion (id=2874) Somerset, Isabella (Henry) - British Womens Temperance Association (id=1764) Great Ormond Street Hospital - Tinker Bell - Sophie (Countess of Wessex) (id=5006) Grand Duke Michailovitch - Sophy Countess de Torby (id=5900) Sotheran, Rosetta (id=5596) Sparrow, Felicity (id=4241) Spencer, Peggy (id=6741) Spice Girls (id=3730) Springfield, Dusty (id=1918) Springfield, Dusty (id=6913) Spry, Constance (id=1040) Stanley, Mrs William Ford (id=6702) Stead, Christina (id=3456) Stead, Christina (id=3404) Leigh, Mike - Steadman, Alison (id=642) Steele, Daphne (id=5697) Sternberg, Sigmund - Sternberg, Hazel (id=5312) Stewart, Isla (id=7298) Wall of the Ancestors - Stewart, Shirley (id=4889) Stewart-Brown, Nessie - Swanwick, Helena (id=5942) Stillma, Marie Spartali (id=7719) Stitch, Wilhemina (Ruth Collie) (id=4375) Stopes, Marie - Mothers Clinic (id=2740) Stopes, Marie (id=1066) Stopes, Marie (id=1549) Stopes, Marie (id=1065) Strachey, Ray - Wilkinson, Ellen (id=5958) Stride, Elizabeth - Jack the Ripper (id=6292) Studholme, Marie (id=1073) Sumner, Mary - Mothers Union (id=3823) Swanson, Gloria (id=7229) Elstree Studios - Syms, Sylvia (id=3700) Szabo, Violette (id=1391) Szabo, Violette (id=2316) Tradescant, John - Szabo, Violette (id=4343) Maquis (French Resistance) - Szabo, Violette (id=2327) Szabo, Violette (id=4340) Taglioni, Marie (id=1085) Tait, James Francis - Tait,  Sylvia SImpson - Grundy, Hilary (id=6226) Tambo, Oliver - Tambo, Adelaide (id=1920) Tandy, Jessica (id=1326) Taylor, Elizabeth (id=3032) Taylor, Elizabeth (id=3695) Taylor, Susan (id=6498) Tealby, Mary - Battersea Dogs Home (id=2858) Tempest, Marie (id=1094) Tennant, Kylie (id=3400) Tereshchenko, Svitlana (id=4573) Terry, Ellen (id=1097) Terry, Ellen (id=1098) Queens Theatre - Terry, Ellen - Wyndham, Charles (id=899) Thatcher, Margaret (id=3826) Galea, Joseph Cassar (id=8352) The Virgin Mary (id=7965) Theed, William - Prince Albert (id=7417) Thomas, Jacks (id=5765) Thomas, Jacks (id=6223) Thomas, Sister Dorothy Louise (id=1103) Tricycle Cinema - Thompson, Emma (id=3869) Thorndike, Sybil (id=3505) Thorndike, Sybil (id=1108) Thrale, Hester (id=2317) Thrale, Henry - Thrale, Hester (id=2611) Tilley, Vesta (id=2612) Traquair, Phoebe - Induni, Peter - Macgillivray, James Pittendrigh (id=8676) Travers, P L
 (id=3177) Travers, P L (id=3441) Trevelyan, Florence (id=8320) Trevelyan, Florence (id=8318) Tritton, Violet Alice (id=5522) Trollope, Fanny (Frances) - Trollope, Anthony (id=2676) Trollope, Fanny (Frances) - Trollope, Thomas Adolphus - Trollope, Anthony (id=1127) Truss, Liz (id=8560) Tse, Arielle - Women in London University (id=7145) Tucker, Tanya (id=7572) Turner, Ethel (id=3438) Turner, Alfred - Turner, Winifred - Paget, Tom (id=2934) Tussaud, Madame Marie (id=5071) Tussaud, Madame Marie (id=1133) Underhill, Evelyn (id=1141) Utley, Alison (id=7421) Vajda, Cecilia (id=3495) Vassa, Joanna (id=4303) Vaughan-Sawyer, Ethel May (id=6349) Veitch, Zepherina - Paget, Rosalind - British Lying-In Hospital (id=3189) Vlasic, Blanka (id=7871) Vlasic, Blanka (id=7777) Aldridge, Ira - Von Brandt, Amanda (id=6744) Vyvyan, Jennifer (id=8462) Wakefield, Priscilla (id=2144) Walker, Kathrine Sorley (id=7376) Walker, Margaret - Littlewood, Joan - East 15 Acting School (id=6066) Walsh, Catherine Genevieve (id=8545) Walters, Catherine (skittles) (id=1160) Warwick, Joan - Warwick, Alan - Norwood Society (id=3666) St Marylebone Parish Church - Forset, Edward - Douce, Edmund - de Crespigny, Claudius - Wanley, Humphrey - Figg, James - Gibbs, James - Hoyle, Edward - Rysbrack, John Michael - Ferguson, James - Ramsay, Allan - Wesley, Charles - Storace, Stephen - Stubbs, George - Bentinck, William (3rd Duke of Portland) - Watson, Caroline (id=5085) Watson, Ethel (id=3334) Way, Eileen (id=8522) Webb, Sidney - Webb, Beatrice (id=1173) Welch, Elizabeth (id=1812) Wells, Vyvyan (id=4269) Wertheimer, Flora (id=6553) Westgate, Betty (id=1671) Wheatley, Phillis (id=8731) Wheatley, Phyllis (id=4651) Whetnall, Edith (id=2028) White, Antonia (id=2417) Whyte, Peter and Catharine (id=4031) Sheptycky, Andrew Count - Sheptycky, Clement - Wieth, Irmgard - Kohl, Max - Sendler, Irena (id=5300) Wilbraham, Elizabeth (id=6460) Wilde, Jane Francesca (Speranza) (id=1192) Wilkinson, Fanny (id=6910) Nelson, Willie - Williams, Lucinda - La Zona Rosa (id=7563) Williamson, Norma (id=6660) Wills, Lucy (id=6338) Windsor, Barbara (id=3174) Winehouse, Amy (id=3642) Winehouse, Amy (id=5608) Winehouse,Amy (id=6194) Wix, Margaret (id=8738) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=5468) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=1620) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=1288) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=2861) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=1312) Wollstonecraft, Mary (id=1212) Wood, Victoria (id=4248) Woolf, Leonard - Woolf, Virginia - Hogarth Press (id=1802) Bloomsbury Group - Woolf, Virginia - Grant, Duncan - Stephen, Adrian - Woolf, Leonard - Keynes, John Maynard (id=3636) Woolf, Virginia (id=4989) Woolf, Virginia (id=1217) Bloomsbury Group - Woolf, Virginia - Bell, Clive - Strachey, Lytton - Strachey, Dorothy (id=121) Woolf, Virginia - Woolf, Leonard (id=6420) Woolf, Virginia (id=1218) Wright, Ellen Ciss (id=6739) Wright, Judith (id=3406) Yurich, Jacqueline Paulette Drouilly (id=7997) Zagorka, Marija Juric (id=7760) Zaninovic, Lucija (id=7869) Zaronne, Lizetta (id=6893) Zimmern, Alice (id=1232)