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Type : Frieze / Relief (330 plaques)

15 Cheyne Walk - Erasmus - More, Thomas (id=5345) 15 Cheyne Walk - Mazzini, Giuseppe - Carlyle, Thomas (id=5346) Agriculture Tooting (id=6934) Amba bottom row 1-9 L to R (id=5313) Amba bottom row 10-18 L to R (id=5314) Amba bottom row 19-20 top row 19-20 L to R (id=5317) Amba top row 1-9 L to R (id=5315) Amba top row 10-18 L to R (id=5316) Anson, George (id=5543) Apples & Pears (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6769) Archimedes of Syracuse (id=3936) Arnold, Thomas (id=5002) Artists Rifles (id=6167) Bacon, Roger (id=3933) Bagnigge House (id=6789) Ball, Alice (id=4792) Banks, Joseph - Damer, Anne Seymour (id=6159) Barney, George (id=3448) Barret, George (id=6238) Bartlett, William (id=6536) Battle of St Vincent - Baily, Edward Hodges (id=5057) Baylis, Lilian (id=2320) Bazalgette, Joseph (id=72) Bazalgette, Joseph (id=4252) Beethoven, Ludwig Van - Borough Theatre and Opera House (id=6014) Bell, Natalie (id=2280) Benbow, John (id=5548) Biggs, Hermann Michael (id=4920) Bingham, John - Queen Elizabeth I - King James I (id=8177) Bishop Brown of Pella (id=4910) Blackwall Tunnel - Queen Victoria - King Edward VII (id=6823) Blake, Catherine (id=6151) Blake, Robert (id=5547) Blake, William (id=6150) Book Children & Pencils (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6777) Braidwood, James (id=2284) Browning, Robert - The Robert Browning Settlement (id=3946) Bruce, David (id=4807) Camberwell Public Library - Edwards, John Passmore (id=7062) Carlyle, Thomas (id=191) Carnegie Library Herne Hill (id=7127) Carnegie, Andrew (id=4262) Carnegie, Andrew - Teddington Library (id=7665) Carr, Jonathan (id=3961) Catherine of Aragon - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4883) Chadwick, Edwin (id=4801) Christ Church Charity School (id=5873) Christie, Agatha (id=218) Clark, William Tierney (id=4259) Clements.,Alfred (id=8098) Collingwood, Cuthbert (id=5552) Commerce Tooting (id=6933) Compton, William (id=2723) Congo Square (id=7519) Conrad, Joseph (id=3265) Cook, Captain James (id=5545) Copernicus, Nicolaus (id=3932) Correggio, Antonio (id=7132) Cotton, Robert - Roubilliac, Louis (id=6158) Cox, David (id=6236) Cozens, John Robert (id=6233) Cruden, Alexander (id=1292) Crusoe, Robinson (id=6618) Danish-Norwegian Coade Stone (id=6642) Darcy, Thomas (id=7456) Dawson, Joseph (id=6322) De Wint, Peter (id=6237) Decorated Hand (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6778) Deptford Central Library - Carnegie, Andrew (id=6602) Derby, 14th Earl of (Edward Stanley) (id=2229) Descartes, Rene (id=3928) Dickens, Charles (id=314) Donkeys of Covent Garden (id=332) Doulton, Henry (id=5498) Dow, Robert - Merchants Taylors Company (id=7454) Drake, Francis (id=5544) Drake, Francis - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4892) Drill Hall Soldiers (id=4998) Duncan, Adam (id=5551) Epstein, Jacob (id=6510) Equiano, Olaudah - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4881) Fairbairn, Steve (id=4461) Farr, William (id=4798) Farrar, Frederic (id=8105) Fawcett, Henry (id=7108) Festival of Britain (id=5153) Fleming, Alexander (id=4403) Founding of Australia - Phillip, Arthur - King, P Gidley - Johnston, George - HMS Supply (id=8124) Four Tankards (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6790) Fox, Charles James - The Intrepid Fox (id=5157) Frank, Johann Peter (id=4918) Franklin, Rosalind - Siddiq Tulip - Baroness Susan Garden of Frognal (id=7273) Freedom Press (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6779) Froebel, Friedrich (id=5001) Fryatt, Charles (id=7730) Galileo Galilei (id=3930) Garraways Coffee House (id=2270) Garrick, David (id=439) Gasholders Pancras Gasworks (id=5796) Geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan) (id=3934) Gibbes, Asquith (id=4944) Gibbons, Grinling - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4890) Gilbert, William (id=3931) Gillespie, James (id=8621) Girometta, Humbert (id=7849) Girtin, Thomas (id=6234) Godman, Frederick Ducane - Salvin, Osbert (id=6109) Gorgas, William (id=4794) Gray, Thomas (id=1621) Grenfell Fire (id=5692) Grenville, Thomas - Comolli, G B (id=6160) Hamilton, Emma (id=4418) Hemingway, Ernest (id=3987) Heyhoe Flint, Rachel (id=7240) Hill, Octavia (id=2297) Hipparchus of Nicaea (id=3935) Hogarth, William (id=4419) Holland, Henry (id=5128) Hollar, Wenceslas (id=5459) Homer (id=5530) Homer - Shakespeare, William - Queen Victoria - Milton, John - Old Bermondsey Library (id=4938) Hoop Stick Top & Whip (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6781) Hortense Mancini (Duchess of Mazarin) - Archbishop Herring - Talleyrand, Charles (id=4385) How Memorial Gateway (id=6320) Howard, Charles (id=5546) Howe, Richard (id=5553) Hungarian Uprising (id=2617) Hunt, William Henry (id=6239) Industrial Dwellings Society (Rothschild Buildings Arch) (id=5871) Industry Tooting (id=6935) Jeffery, Frank (id=6703) Jervis (1st Earl of St Vincent), John (id=5555) Jewish Daily Post - Alberts Clothing (id=5788) Jones, Charles (id=6356) Kelly, Jude (id=2300) Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (id=3296) Kepler, Johannes (id=3929) Kerrison, Edith (id=4589) Keys & Doorbells (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6771) King Charles I (id=3167) King Charles II (id=7330) King Edward VI (id=7332) King Edward VII - Homer - Temple Bar (id=7316) King George IV (id=5154) King George IV (id=5232) King George V - King Georges Field (id=6801) King George V - King Georges Fields (id=4557) King George V - King Georges Fields (id=4558) King George V - King Georges Fields (id=4559) King George V - King Georges Fields (id=4561) King Olav V of Norway (id=4635) King Peter I of Serbia (id=8399) Kirk, John (Ragged School) (id=611) Knott, Ralph - County Hall (id=8081) Koch, Robert (id=4806) Lamb, Charles (id=3055) Lansbury, George (id=4412) Laveran, Charles (id=4795) Lawrence, Thomas (id=3613) Leishman, William (id=4809) Leonardo da Vinci (id=7131) Lewis, Timothy (id=4810) Lincoln Memorial Tower (id=6046) Lind, James (id=4790) Listed Milestone (id=6250) Lister, Joseph (id=4804) Livingstone, David (id=3224) Locke, John (id=5003) London Fire Brigade - King George VI - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (id=5499) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (id=6964) Lord Cheylesmore (Herbert Eaton) (id=7104) Lord, Thomas (id=5702) Luttrell, Henry (id=6056) Mallet, Mrs (id=2302) Man Friday (id=6619) Manson, Patrick (id=4803) Marconi, Guglielmo - Einstein, Albert - Scicluna, Giuseppe - Tabone, Censu (id=8253) Marmottan, Paul (id=8405) Marques, Wayne - Sharp, Evelyn - Doorkins the Cat - Southwark Cathedral Corbels (id=7349) Marshalsea Prison (id=5447) Marshalsea Prison (id=5448) Marshalsea Prison (id=5449) Marshalsea Prison (id=5451) Martineau, Caroline (id=2328) Match Girls (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6772) Mazzini, Giuseppe (id=725) McCall, Annie (id=2305) Mellor, Margaret (id=2306) Mendoza, Daniel - Cooper, Henry (id=4513) Mercieca, Joseph - Gafa, Lorenzo (id=8256) Merry-Go-Round (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6767) Milton, John (id=5000) Montagu (4th Earl of Sandwich), John (id=5549) More, Thomas (id=2762) Myddelton, Hugh (id=5291) Nelson, Horatio (id=5554) Nelson, Willie - Williams, Lucinda - La Zona Rosa (id=7563) New Cross Library - Carnegie, Andrew (id=6612) Newton, Isaac (id=5529) Nightingale, Florence (id=4791) Novellos printing works (id=5231) OHara, Dave - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4887) Orwell, George (id=2706) Paine, Thomas (id=823) Parkes, Edmund (id=4808) Passmore Edwards Sailors Palace - Edwards, John Passmore - British & Foreign Sailors Society (id=6490) Pasteur, Louis (id=4805) Peoples Building Society (id=4945) Pestalozzi, Johann (id=4999) Peter the Great - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4878) Pett, Phineas - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4877) Pettenkofer, Max von (id=4919) Pocahontas (id=3200) Port of London Authority (id=2368) Presley, Elvis (id=8716) Prince - La Zona Rosa (id=7564) Prince Albert Victor (Duke of Clarence) - Temple Bar (id=7315) Pringle, John (id=4788) Putney Town Rowing Club (id=4499) Queen Adelaides Dispensary (id=6327) Queen Elizabeth I (id=7331) Queen Elizabeth I (id=7668) Queen Elizabeth I - Wall of the Ancestors (id=4880) Queen Elizabeth II (id=6110) Queen Elizabeth II - National Theatre (id=3976) Queen Elizabeth II - Supreme Court (id=8110) Queen Victoria (id=4129) Queen Victoria (id=5136) Queen Victoria (id=5220) Queen Victoria (id=5233) Queen Victoria (id=7329) Queen VIctoria - Chaucer, Geoffrey - Temple Bar (id=7318) Rabbatts, Heather (id=2308) Raphael (id=7135) Reed, Walter (id=4796) Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (id=7130) Rodney, George (id=5550) Roebling, Washington A (id=2898) Romilly, Samuel (id=935) Ross, Ronald (id=4797) Rossetti, Christina Georgina (id=941) Royal Ear Hospital - Duveen, Henry (id=5880) Rubens, Peter Paul (id=7133) Russell, Admiral Edward (id=958) Russell, John (id=5151) Saenger Theatre (id=7515) Saint Thiago (id=6885) Saint Volodymyr (id=8649) Sandby, Paul (id=6232) Schuman, William (id=2881) Scissors & Buttons (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6775) Seacole, Mary (id=2309) Selfridges (id=5168) Seven Seven Bombing (id=7424) Shakespeares Original Globe Site (id=1519) Shattuck, Lemuel (id=4800) Shaw, George Bernard - Holofcener, Lawrence (id=8097) Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (id=6057) Shuttle & Bobbins (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6768) Silk Design (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6780) Silver Jubilee Crystal Crown  - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6939) Silver Jubilee Crystal Crown - Fleischmann, Arthur - Queen Elizabeth II (id=6938) Simon, John (id=4802) Siting of Sydney - White, John - Phillip, Arthur -  Johnston, George - Hunter, John - Collins, David (id=8125) Sklodowska-Curie, Marie (id=4793) Sloane, Hans - Rysbrack, John Michael (id=6161) Smith, Irene (Enfield Preservation Society) (id=3058) Soldiers and Sailors Help Society (id=6107) Soup Kitchen for the Jewish Poor (id=6770) Southwark Cathedral Corbels (id=7348) Spirit of Resistance (id=3905) Squibb, Edward Robinson (id=2901) St Johns House (id=6421) St Katherine by the Tower (id=5804) Stanhope, Philip (2nd Earl of Chesterfield) - Stanhope, Philip (3rd Earl of Chesterfield) - Stanhope, Philip (4th Earl of Chesterfield) (id=2721) Stanley, Mrs William Ford (id=6702) Stanley, William Ford (id=6701) Stead, W T (id=7100) Stratford Martyrs (id=4587) Stuart House - Stuart Reliefs (id=5324) Sullivan, Arthur P (id=1076) Sun Yat-Sen (id=1079) Surrey Iron Railway (id=3093) Sydenham, Thomas (id=4789) Szabo, Violette (id=2316) Taylor, Damilola (id=2429) The Mercers Maiden - Worshipful Company of Mercers (id=8183) The Niblett Pegasus - Niblett, William Charles (id=7434) The Settlers (Sydney) (id=3391) Theobalds, Frank (id=6704) Thornton, Henry W (id=4036) Thrale, Hester (id=2317) Tillotson, John (id=7280) Titian (id=7134) Torricelli, Evangelista (id=3927) Townshend, Pete - Jones, Norah - La Zona Rosa (id=7562) Travel Tooting (id=6932) Tree, Herbert Beerbohm (id=1622) Trehearne, John - King James I (id=7288) Trevithick, Richard (id=1124) Trinity Almshouse (id=1720) Truscott, Frances Wyatt - Temple Bar (id=7317) Turner, J M W (id=1130) Turner, J M W (id=1132) Turner, J M W (id=6235) Unity Theatre (id=2744) Victims of Violence (id=4198) Violin & Bow (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6776) Wakefield, Viscount (id=1155) Walker, Herbert Ashcombe (id=6711) Wall of the Ancestors - Gloss, Burnhart (id=4879) Wall of the Ancestors - Hamilton, Michael (id=4882) Wall of the Ancestors - Lee, Debra (id=4876) Wall of the Ancestors - Martin, Tommy (id=4888) Wall of the Ancestors - Metrina (id=4891) Wall of the Ancestors - OLeary, Tony (id=4886) Wall of the Ancestors - Pope, Peter (id=4885) Wall of the Ancestors - Stewart, Shirley (id=4889) Washington, George (id=2900) Watson, Robert (id=3454) Wedgwood, Josiah (id=1938) Welles, Orson (id=3986) Wilson, Henry (id=7731) Wingate, Orde Charles (id=3064) Woolner, Thomas (id=2832) Wordsworth, William (id=6055) World Map (Bowlers Pavement Roundels) (id=6774) Woronzow, Count Simon (id=3245) York Street Ladies Residential Chmabers (id=8472) Young, Andrew (id=1645)